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39 records found


Hierarchy of Urban Diversity

The relationship between the public transport network and the urban diversity of Amsterdam

The paper examines the relationship between the public transport network and urban diversity in Amsterdam using urban mapping and data analysis. The paper presents a hierarchical analysis of the urban diversity outcome, which is based on the computation of the average diversity s ...

Construction Waste

A Human Perception Instead Of Actual Reality?

The building industry is one of the largest producers of waste materials worldwide. Construction waste can include various materials such as concrete, wood, glass, metals, plastics, and hazardous materials. These wastes streams can pose significant environmental challenges and co ...

An imagined dialogue: Richard Buckminster Fuller & Mark Wigley

Evaluating Screams towards Sustainability: Similarities and Differences

This thesis will explore two different perspectives on the urgency of sustainable design in the built environment. The first perspective is Mark Wigley’s call for the imagination of ‘non-extractive architecture’ as outlined in his essay ‘Returning The Gift: Running Architecture i ...

Extrospective design

Exploring how immersive observation and empathy exercises could improve the architectural design process

This thesis investigates the origins of the issues within the client and architect dynamic and dissects the reasons for miscommunication. With this understanding I investigate how method actors approach empathy and effectively communicate the physical and emotional aspects of the ...

Mapping as a communal act

Collective atlas of untranslatable spaces

Nowadays, globalization is stressing local cultures and ways of living - what risks to be lost are the multiple forms of use of spaces and the meaning connected to their presence. There is an overall sensitivity over the conservation of buildings but less over little daily ritual ...

The Resilience of Urban Areas in the Face of Flooding

A Study on Livability of the Artex compound, Philippines

This research investigates whether urban areas can remain livable when permanently flooded, using the case study of Artex Compound in Malabon, Philippines. The study addresses several sub-questions, including the impact of permanent flooding on the existing urban structure, the r ...

Interfering in Moretti's calculations

A thesis about the impact and relation of creative interference on the mathematical equations of Luigi Moretti

With every second going by, another operation is automated. Even occurring in the field of architecture, mostly through parametric design, writing of computational scripts and mathematics. The latter being one of the first methodologies to be used for automating the process of d ...

Concept Development of Megastructure

Study of megastructure trend in longitudinal time horizon through Google Ngram Viewer and theoretical texts

Dictionaries often define “Megastructure” as “a very large multi-story building or complex” (Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 2022). Somebody who first encounters the term must value such a definition; although it does not reflect the actual meaning that architects attach ...

Form follows harmony

An imaginary exchange of ideas between Le Corbusier and Steven Holl about the concept design of the Stretto House

In this thesis, it is being examined how music influenced the design strategy of two renowned architects: Le Corbusier and Steven Holl. The projects that are analyzed regard the Philips Pavilion in Brussels (1958) and the Stretto House in Dallas Texas (1989-1992). The design of t ...

Mapping urban diversity in New York City based on commuter data

Tracts with tall buildings display highest commuter diversity

Quantifying and mapping urban diversity is a newly emerging field of research. In this present thesis, I build on past and ongoing research. I expand diversity mapping to the mapping of commuter diversity. In particular, I map commuter diversity in New York City as a case study, ...

Koolhaas, Superstudio, and the paradox of their affinity

Researching a friendship that emerged through misunderstanding by juxtaposing their professional- and personal relationship

In the winter of 1970, Rem Koolhaas visited the architecture collective Superstudio, and he expressed great appreciation towards the studio’s founders Adolfo Natalini and Cristiano Toraldo di Francia. What ensued was a long time of correspondence, especially between Koolhaas and ...

Contextuality with a Twist

Urban implementation of Skyscrapers

The first Skyscraper was developed in 1885 in Chicago, the home insurance building. Soon this type of building became a symbol of power and representation which started to migrate within America and then to the other parts of the world. As technology improved new types of skyscra ...

Home away from Home

Migration of Atmosphere : The New South Korean Embassy

Every space has its own atmosphere. This atmosphere consists of elements that stimulate a person's various senses, and the person slowly feels the collection of these elements and recognizes them as the atmosphere of space. This study focuses on what elements make up this atmosph ...

Cultivating Spatial Diversity

The Nieuwe Binnenweg Forum

Today, Rotterdam’s city is observed as a mosaic of diverse cultures representing various characters and atmospheres. Recently, the research ‘Coming to Terms with Superdiversity: The Case of Rotterdam’ gives a historical account of Rotterdam’s diversity since the 1600s to present ...

Digitalisation and the workspace

Shaping tomorrow’s workspaces

A research article about the migration of workspaces and the shaping of its next migration where the position of digitalisation is re-evaluated as an active actor in its design instead of a decorative spatial fill-in.

Coolhaven Exhibition lab

The catalyst for clean meat in the netherlands

The research revealed a pressing need for change in today’s food production and consumption. The rising global population will demand so much food, that there is not enough land on earth to produce this. The research also showed a possible solution: clean meat. Lab grown meat is ...

Gender equality in the GDR’s artist community

Preliminary data analysis of the Ninth National Art Exhibition in Dresden

Three decades after the reunification of Germany, the History of a nation standing on the cutting line of a binary world continues to unfold and reveal its complexities. Today, many traits underlying two opposing ideologies persist in reminding the time when East and West Germany ...

Stimulatory overdrive: A re-evaluation of the blasé outlook within contemporary society

A research paper developed on the basis of present day neuroscientific and cultural expertise

The herring gull is a bird species with a red dot on its beak. Its chicks are fully dependant on their mother for the first phase of their life, and resultantly develop a clear instinct towards the beak of their mother as this is their known source of sustenance. Interestingly en ...

Centraal Wonen Delft

Evaluation of an Experimental Dutch Cohousing Project

Alternative forms of dwelling, and collaborative housing models in particular, are again gaining an increasing amount of interest in the architectural discourse. Although not a new topic, there is a noticeable lack of research on how existing cohousing projects, that were establi ...

Mapping urban diversity

Vernacular, modernist and contemporary Matera

This thesis takes the Southern Italian city of Matera as a case study to analyse the role urban diversity plays in the growth of cities. The analysis focuses on tracking changes in intensity and distribution of urban diversity in representative moments of Matera’s development, fr ...