8 records found


Beyond the palimpsest

Traditions and modernity in urban villages of Shenzhen, China

This study uses the palimpsest analogy to explore the interactions between traditions and modernity in Chinese urban contexts. Chinese megacities including Shenzhen have undergone continually radical and dramatic transformations. The palimpsest notion, a layered, overwritten s ...

Urban orchard in a megacity

Formality and informality in China

This anonymized Research Note reports qualitative observations and interview evidence to explore the operation of a U-pick lychee orchard located in China’s Pearl River Delta. Observation reveals the ironic juxtaposition of an owner-built cottage on a forested hillside surrounded ...
How was botany as a new science established in modern China? In his book Ordering the Myriad Things: From Traditional Knowledge to Scientific Botany in China, Nicholas K. Menzies unravels the story of the transition from traditional knowledge about plants to the science of botany ...
Moral knowledge, and its spatial articulation, are being ignored in the rapid urban growth that results from globalisation. The need to learn from tradition and integrate urban heritage values into the wider framework of sustainable development and citizen engagement is urgently ...

Ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change

Lessons learned from a pioneering project spanning Mauritania, Nepal, the Seychelles, and China

Societal Impact Statement: Ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) is increasingly being used to reduce the impacts of climate change on vulnerable people and landscapes. The international EbA South project implemented EbA interventions across three countries (Mauritania, Nepal, the ...


Qualities of Density

Sustainable and Livable Renewal of Urban Village's Industrial Parks in the context of Industrial Transition in Shenzhen

The starting point of this project is the search for a renewal approach, including process and outcome, that allows urban village communities to move from labour-intensive industry-dominated production and living space to a sustainable and livable high-density community in the co ...
The report features 10 case studies representing distinct freshwater, mountain and dryland areas at different sites across Asia and Africa, where local communities solve challenges of environment and livelihoods through ecosystem-based approaches. Taking advantage of data and inf ...