Maarten Kerkvliet

4 records found


Background: Air lubrication techniques have the potential to significantly reduce frictional drag, benefiting sustainable employability of ships. However, these techniques are not yet widely applied in the shipping industry, since a complete understanding of the relevant two-p ...

This article aims to link the physical modelling of air cavities to their numerical modelling with a RaNS solver. The largest challenge in predicting the cavity characteristics numerically lies in correctly modelling their closure region. According to Reboud et al. [1], the commo ...
Air lubrication techniques are very promising in reducing ship drag. It has been demonstrated that air cavity applications can realise propulsive power reduction percentages of 10-20% due to the reduction of the frictional resistance [1, 2]. However, a complete understanding of t ...


Shipping is one of the most cost-effective and environmentally sustainable modes of transportation. Given that approximately 60% of a typical ship’s propulsive power is used to overcome frictional drag, implementing practices to reduce this resistance stands ...