Shipping is, and will continue to be, the most important transportation method around the globe. A vital part of the logistic chain, it is also one of the main contributors to the worldwide CO2 emissions. Current propulsion technologies all rely on the same classic diesel driven
Shipping is, and will continue to be, the most important transportation method around the globe. A vital part of the logistic chain, it is also one of the main contributors to the worldwide CO2 emissions. Current propulsion technologies all rely on the same classic diesel driven technology, as diesel is widely available and has a high energy density.
The goal of this research is to identify greener solutions to propel a vessel sailing for short distances. During a definition study, several fuels and energy converters were studied and benchmarked based on a use case. The results showed that (a combination of) the dual fuel internal combustion, using bio diesel and hydrogen, and the low temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cell, fuelled with hydrogen, is the most feasible setup for the use case. Such a combination in itself is not a new one, but in the literature only an all-electric setup is described. In the proposed solution an internal combustion engine is driving the propellor shaft directly, assisted by an electric motor powered by the fuel cell.
Based on this outcome, the following research question was defined:
How can an internal combustion dual fuel engine and/or LTPEM fuel cell be integrated to form a cost effective solution to propel a short sea ship running on hydrogen?
First, nine designs were created, ranging from a conventional diesel engine setup as a reference case, to a fully electric design powered by fuel cells. All main components in these designs are analyzed regarding part load efficiencies. With these efficiencies, the fuel consumption at different loads are calculated. Based on a use case scenario the total fuel costs are calculated. The CAPEX and the OPEX of the designs are determined to calculate the total costs. As currently no other fuel can compete with diesel, the designs are compared based on the price per tons of CO2 emissions, as the shipping industry is expected to see a CO2 emission penalty in the near future. For each design, what the height of this penalty has to be to reach the breakeven point at the end of the use case was calculated. Based on the lowest CO2 price, an all-electric, fuel cell powered design was identified as the most promising option. Applying additional operational arguments such as redundancy and end user acceptance, it was decided together with Conoship to choose a combination of an internal combustion engine and a fuel cell.
This configuration is worked out in detail to answer the sub questions, covering efficiency improvement and system integration, during which it became apparent that not all information is available to answer all these sub questions. The design needs further research in a multidisciplinary team. A simulation model would be helpful in this further research. A framework and a start to such a model was written together with a list of recommendations.