A.A. Kana
66 records found
Hydrogen carriers are attractive alternative fuels for the shipping sector. They are zero-emission, have high energy densities, and are safe, available, and easy to handle. Sodium borohydride, potassium borohydride, dibenzyltoluene, n-ethylcarbazole, and ammoniaborane are hydroge
Design space reduction decisions made in set-based design use perceptions of feasibility to eliminate unfavorable design solutions from consideration. Perceptions are formed with incomplete information, leaving them susceptible to change if new and conflicting information is made
Early-stage design of complex systems is considered by many to be one of the most critical design phases because that is where many of the major decisions are made. The design process typically starts with low-fidelity tools, such as simplified models and reference data, but thes
Early-stage design exploration is crucial since most of the major design decision are locked-in and only small design modifications are possible at later stages. To assess the performance of the various design candidates while performing design exploration, there are available me
Perceptions of feasibility in design spaces are susceptible to change if new and conflicting information becomes available later. Design space reduction decisions made in set-based design can amplify vulnerability to new information if remaining design spaces and present percepti
This paper investigates the feasibility of iron powder energy generation systems on board a semi-submersible crane vessel. This is done using a design model that integrates design information and a simulated mission profile to determine a hybrid iron powder setup split. This setu
This paper compares two 2XL monopile installation methods: at the leeward side of the heavy lift crane vessel and in the recess at the stern of the vessel. The multi-body system of the vessel, monopile, crane, and mission equipment induces interaction and resonance behaviour. Ope
Reducing the use of fossil fuels in shipping requires new, alternative maritime fuels. Hydrogen carriers offer a safe and energy-dense solution for storing hydrogen, a zero-emission alternative fuel. This research focuses on ammonia borane, NaBH4, n-ethylcarbazole and dibenzyltol
This paper examines the technical and economic influence of CO2 reduction measures on the design and operation of Dutch beam trawlers. This is done by means of a parametric model used to assess the influence on the overall design of the vessel. Technical feasibility is determined
Ship Design in the Era of Digital Transition
A State-of-the-Art Report
Keynote. The evolution of ship design from a manual toward a computer-aided, digital approach has been drastic after the 1970s, with the explosive development of computer hardware and software systems. In today’s era of smart digitalization in the frame of Industry 4.0, recently
Retrofit modeling for green ships
A data-driven design approach for emission reduction using bunker delivery notes
This paper proposes a data-driven approach to reduce emissions in international shipping, aligning with the IMO's goal of achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by around 2050. Digital twins (DTs) offer promise for maritime decarbonization due to their simulation and big dat
The ongoing technological development of methanol energy converters (EC) towards decarbonization means that their dimensions and performance characteristics will be continually updated during the lifecycle of vessels currently designed. These advancements influence the ease of EC
This paper addresses the growing offshore wind market's demand for larger turbines in deeper waters by highlighting limitations in existing installation solutions and proposing a new concept with a floating monohull, named Moonshot, which will thus be different than traditional j
New alternative maritime fuels are required to reduce or eliminate the use of fossil fuels in shipping. This need extends across all shipping industry sectors, including the Navy. However, Navy vessels comply with unique requirements compared to vessels within the general shippin
The development of the global COVID-19 pandemic from 2020 onward has had significant impact on the world and specifically the maritime industry. Striking examples were COVID-19 outbreaks onboard the Diamond Princess cruise vessel and the U.S.S. Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier
Trim optimization improves the energy efficiency of ships, thus reducing operational costs and emissions; however, trim tables are only available for a limited number of ships. There is thus a desire to develop additional, more accurate trim tables without the need for expensive
Digital twin for ship life-cycle
A critical systematic review
The focus on digitalisation in manufacturing is spreading to other industry fields, including large and complex objects like ships. Such interest introduces the concept of Digital Twins in supporting designers and operators through the whole ship-life cycle. However, the term Dig
Design rationale is a promising way of capturing design decisions and considerations for later retrieval and traceability to improve collaborative design decision-making. To achieve these perceived benefits for early-stage complex ship design, this paper first elaborates on the d
The adoption of alternative energy carriers is one of the key ways to meet the increasingly stricter emission regulations faced by shipping vessels from the international maritime organisation (IMO) and European Commission. To support this objective, this study examines the chall
Enhancing early-stage energy consumption predictions using dynamic operational voyage data
A grey-box modelling investigation
The adverse human contribution to global climate change has forced the yachting industry to acknowledge the need to reduce its environmental impact due to the client's increasing pressure and potential future regulations to limit the ecological effects. Unfortunately, current rea