D.J. Singer

4 records found


Perceptions of feasibility in design spaces are susceptible to change if new and conflicting information becomes available later. Design space reduction decisions made in set-based design can amplify vulnerability to new information if remaining design spaces and present percepti ...
This paper introduces a novel decision-making framework for planning lifecycle compliance of ballast water treatment by applying eigenvalue spectral analysis to the ship-centric Markov decision process (SC-MDP) framework. This method focuses on identifying the relationships of va ...
This paper introduces a means of performing a ship egress analysis by applying eigenvalue analysis to the ship-centric Markov decision process (SC-MDP) framework. This method focuses on how people egress, the decisions they make under uncertainty, and the interaction between the ...
Naval design decision-making is difficult for two reasons. First, the naval design problem is constantly evolving due to the uncertain interaction of internal and external pressures. These pressures both affect decision-making behavior and are equally affected by those decisions. ...