Kees Van Der Leun


4 records found as author

For several reasons, the world needs an adapted energy system to accommodate its growing population: Climate change, depletion of natural resources, and a growing dependence on only a few energy suppliers are a threat to our current system. Renewable energy sources are therefore ...
For several reasons, the world needs an adapted energy system to accommodate its growing population: Climate change, depletion of natural resources, and a growing dependence on only a few energy suppliers are a threat to our current system. Renewable energy sources are therefore ...

Our study presents a new analysis for a possible transition to a fully sustainable global energy system. It looks in detail at the various energy-using activities within each demand sector, charting their volume and physical energy intensities over time. The approach pays part ...


1 records found as contributor

The Dutch government has the ambition to be climate neutral by 2050. An important pillar to realizing this ambition is to place large numbers of wind turbines in the North Sea. The Dutch cabinet decided in 2022 to realize around 21 GW offshore wind capacity in 2030, but the offsh ...