Juanjuan Cai

27 records found


We study the asymptotic behavior of the marginal expected shortfall when the two random variables are asymptotic independent but positively associated, which is modeled by the so-called tail dependent coefficient. We construct an estimator of the marginal expected shortfall, w ...

Aiming to estimate extreme precipitation forecast quantiles, we propose a nonparametric regression model that features a constant extreme value index. Using local linear quantile regression and an extrapolation technique from extreme value theory, we develop an estimator for c ...

The estimation of high quantiles for very low probabilities of exceedance pn much smaller than 1/n (with n the sample size) remains a major challenge. For this purpose, the log-Generalized Weibull (log-GW) tail limit was recently proposed as regularity condition as an alternative ...

Estimation of the marginal expected shortfall

The mean when a related variable is extreme

Applying extreme value statistics in meteorology and environmental science requires accurate estimators on extreme value indices that can be around zero. Without having prior knowledge on the sign of the extreme value indices, the probability weighted moment (PWM) estimator is a ...


Comparison on estimations for the extremal index

Vergelijken van schatters van de extreme index

The clustering of events can have a large impact on society. The extremal index $\theta$ tells how much extreme events cluster. We will compare different types of estimators in this project. First, we review the extremes of different sequences which have different values of $\the ...
This paper is a research on the segmentation of customers. The clustering of customers is done based on the variables recency, frequency and monetary value. Such a clustering is called an RFM-model. The clustering is done using the K-means clustering method. To find the optim ...
The primary goal of this report is to provide a general overview of offline change-point literature as it is known today. Change-point methods are important statistical problems, where we are interested in determining whenever a certain data-set changes in structure. Furthermore, ...
The most common way to evaluate traffic safety is investigating the occurrence and severity of crashes using historical data. This approach however has a number of limitations, the most important of which is probably its reactive nature. An alternative method using non-crash even ...
In this thesis we are going to study outlier detection methods and propose a new method. Classical outlier detection is typically based on the assumption that the data is from a Gaussian/normal distribution. When the underlying distribution of a random sample is heavy tailed, so ...
In this thesis the theory of depth functions is researched. Depth functions are functions that measure data depth and order multivariate observations. Two depth functions are discussed: the halfspace and simplicial depth function. The halfspace depth of a point is defined as the ...
Time series analysis is used to predict future behaviour of processes and is widely used in the finance sector. In this paper we will analyse the modelling of multivariate time series of financial data using vector autoregressive processes. The goal is that the reader will unders ...
In dit onderzoek is een Monte Carlo algoritme beschreven voor het schatten van de dominante eigenwaarde en bijbehorende eigenvector van een niet-negatieve, irreducibele matrix. Naast de werking van het Monte Carlo algoritme is ook de convergentiesnelheid onderzocht. Tevens zijn e ...

Characterizations of Multivariate Tail Dependence

On theory and inference to assess extremal dependence structures

This thesis gathers, develops and evaluates several characterizations of multivariate tail dependence. It is established that the stable tail dependence function (STDF) is a suitable copula-based dependence function that fully captures the multivariate extremal dependence structu ...
Three interest rate models are researched: Displaced Exponential-Vasicek, Hull-White one factor and Hull-White two factors with time-dependent volatility parameters. The motivation for this is two-fold: firstly, we would like to understand how the capital calculations would be im ...
Precipitation has high spatial and temporal uncertainty, which makes it challenging to predict. We focus specifically on extreme amounts of precipitation. The Royal Dutch Meteorological Institute (KNMI) uses a numerical model, approximating the solutions to partial differential e ...
Over the past three decades, the singular value decomposition has been increasingly used for various big data applications. As it allows for rank reduction of the input data matrix, it is not only able to compress the information contained, but can even reveal underlying patterns ...
This thesis project developed an alternative PM2.5 concentration prediction model and early warning system of extreme air pollution based on the long short-term memory (LSTM) and achieved satisfying performance. To research more deeply, we divided the task into two parts. The fir ...

Voorspellen van veel neerslag

Gebruikmakend van regressieanalyse en de ECMWF-modeluitvoer

In deze scriptie is onderzocht of regressie, een postprocessing methode, een goede toevoeging is aan het model dat het Europees Centrum voor Weersverwachtingen op Middellange Termijn (ECMWF) ontwikkeld heeft en waarvan het KNMI de uitvoer gebruikt, specifiek om te bepalen of er ...
Intraday liquidity risk is a subject that applies to all banks, and arises whenever there is a timing mismatch between incoming and outgoing payments within a business day. In case such a mismatch occurs, the bank is exposed to the risk that it is unable to meet its payment oblig ...