
E.M. van Elderen

59 records found



Voor grote random matrices bestaat er een verband tussen de eigenwaarden van deze random matrices en halve cirkels. Om meer precies te zijn bestaan er voor random matrices die aan een aantal voorwaarden voldoen een vorm van convergentie tussen de verdeling van eigenwaarden van de ...

Dependence Measures in Citation Analysis

The application of parametric copulas to capture the dependence structure between the publications of a reseacher and the citations of those publications.

In this thesis we try to capture the dependence structure of the publications of a scholar and the citations of those publications via copulas. To do so, we will use a sample of Quebec re- searchers for who their publication amount as well as their citation amounts are known. We ...

Analysis of Microscopic Images

A Morphological Approach

In this thesis we apply the numerical method of Morphological Geometric Active Contours as proposed by Alvarez, Baumela and Marquez-Neila to microscopic images of plant cells. The goal is to find all plant cells in the images, and then to find their cell walls. This is done in or ...
In this paper two ways of modeling the secondary electron yields of an insula-
tor under electron irradiation, are discussed and coupled. The drift-diusion-
reaction model is used to investigate the secondary yields and charging eects.
This bachelor thesis is about binary error-correcting codes. A binary code is a collection words with the same length n that consists only of zeroes and ones. The error-correcting quality of a code is determined by the Hamming distance d of a code. A classical question in coding ...
Dit bacheloreindverslag gaat over Max-plus Algebra. Dit is een algebraïsche structuur die gebruikt kan worden om roosterplanning te modelleren. In plaats van de normale optelling en vermenigvuldiging worden de operaties 'maximum nemen' en optellen gebruikt. Wanneer Max-plus Algeb ...
Dit verslag beschrijft een wiskundig model, gebaseerd op het deeltjesmodel, voor sluiting van oppervlaktewonden. Verder wordt aandacht aan verschillende soorten modellen die al bestonden en aan de biologische achtergrond van wondsluiting.
In this report, a model for modeling passenger flows on a platform with obstacles is presented. The report incorporates situations with one exit, benches as obstacles and an additional train and compares those to a basic model in which the platform has two exits and no obstacles. ...

On The Cap Set Problem

Upper bounds on maximal cardinalities of caps in dimensions seven to ten

This thesis concerns the cap set problem in affine geometry. The problem is illustrated by the card game SET and its geometrical interpretation in ternary affine space. The maximal cardinality of a cap is known for the dimension one to six. For the four lowest dimensions, a maxim ...
Over time, the width-averaged depth of estuaries changes due to a complex interaction of hydrodynamics and suspended sediment transport. In many estuaries one specic location with a suspended sediment concentration (SSC) higher than in the sea or in the upstream river, is found, ...
Dit project behandelt de programmering en toepassing van een taxiservice, waarbij de passagiers zich vanaf of naar het treinstation willen verplaatsen. Met behulp van geheeltallig lineair programmeren wordt bepaald welke ritten door de taxi's moeten worden gereden, om de winst te ...
In this dissertation we look at the seriation problem and the applications of this problem. Given a set of items, we try to find an ordering based on the similarity between the items. We start by explaining the mathematical theory behind the seriation problem. Then we describe a ...
Dit verslag geeft als eerste een overzicht van basis resultaten van de Riemann zeta functie. Vervolgens worden twee meer specifieke resultaten laten zien met betrekking tot de nulpunten van deze Riemann zeta functie.
In this thesis, we consider levelling the number of required beds at the holding and recovery department. Due to the decreased number of available nurses, the workload for the nurses at hospitals has increased. For this reason, it is important to level the number of required beds ...
The aim of this thesis is to provide a formula for the value of a correlation swap. To get to this formula, a model from an article by Bossu is inspected and its resulting expression for fair the fair value of a correlation swap is simulated. The Jacobi process will be defined an ...
In this report, the rain-wind induced vibrations of cables are studied. This is done by modeling the cable cross-section as a mass-spring system with two time-varying masses. Thereafter, the solution of this model is approximated using a multiple timescale perturbation method. La ...
Omdat het veelgebruikte QWERTY-toetsenbord voor een mobiele telefoon, waarop veelal met één vinger getypt wordt, geen optimale typtijd genereert, wordt gezocht naar een nieuwe toetsenbordindeling. Om dit Toetsenbord Layout Probleem op te lossen, worden in de eerste plaats twee ni ...