Emiel van Elderen
59 records found
Stopproblemen en Speltheorie
De wiskunde achter de optimale inbraak
In dit verslag wordt het gedrag van een dief die huizen besteelt wiskundig bekeken. Het dievenspel is de aanleiding van dit verslag. In dit spel bepaalt een dief zijn optimale strategie voor het bestelen van één huis uit verschillende huizen met verschillende waarden. Daarnaast i
Where does plastic in the ocean come from?
Using the end location to find the likelihood of a possible start location of plastic particles in the ocean
In the ocean resides a large amount of plastic. This has severe environmental consequences for the oceans. To be able to clean up all this plastic the location of the plastic is needed. A lot of times plastic is cleaned up at the source, but to clean up here this location needs t
Dissipation in the Abelian sandpile model
Conditions for criticality
The Abelian sandpile model was first introduced by Bak, Tang and Wiesenfeld in 1987. Since then, a lot of researchers have studied this model and similar models, all related by the concept of self-organized criticality. In this thesis, we study a variant on the classical model
Landens transformatie
De verbinding tussen π, het RMG en de bètafunctie
Eerst introduceren we het rekenkundig-meetkundig gemiddelde (RMG), een snel convergerend algoritme dat een verband heeft met π en nog veel meer constanten en functies. Hoffmann toont dit in een bewijs aan, echter is deze niet waterdicht en amper onderbouwd. Daarom gaan wij ons ve
Analysis of Microscopic Images
A Gradient Vector Flow Based Approach
The theory of active contours is applied to microscopic images of cells. A model is developed that approximates cell borders by dynamic curves. This model is based on gradient vector flow (GVF), an external force that acts on the contours. Both active contours and the GVF force f
Dependence Measures in Citation Analysis
The application of parametric copulas to capture the dependence structure between the publications of a reseacher and the citations of those publications.
In this thesis we try to capture the dependence structure of the publications of a scholar and the citations of those publications via copulas. To do so, we will use a sample of Quebec re- searchers for who their publication amount as well as their citation amounts are known. We
Stopproblemen en Speltheorie
De wiskunde achter de optimale inbraak
In dit verslag wordt het gedrag van een dief die huizen besteelt wiskundig bekeken. Het dievenspel is de aanleiding van dit verslag. In dit spel bepaalt een dief zijn optimale strategie voor het bestelen van één huis uit verschillende huizen met verschillende waarden. Daarnaast i
Stopproblemen en Speltheorie
De wiskunde achter de optimale inbraak
In dit verslag wordt het gedrag van een dief die huizen besteelt wiskundig bekeken. Het dievenspel is de aanleiding van dit verslag. In dit spel bepaalt een dief zijn optimale strategie voor het bestelen van één huis uit verschillende huizen met verschillende waarden. Daarnaast i
Where does plastic in the ocean come from?
Using the end location to find the likelihood of a possible start location of plastic particles in the ocean
In the ocean resides a large amount of plastic. This has severe environmental consequences for the oceans. To be able to clean up all this plastic the location of the plastic is needed. A lot of times plastic is cleaned up at the source, but to clean up here this location needs t
Where does plastic in the ocean come from?
Using the end location to find the likelihood of a possible start location of plastic particles in the ocean
In the ocean resides a large amount of plastic. This has severe environmental consequences for the oceans. To be able to clean up all this plastic the location of the plastic is needed. A lot of times plastic is cleaned up at the source, but to clean up here this location needs t
Dissipation in the Abelian sandpile model
Conditions for criticality
The Abelian sandpile model was first introduced by Bak, Tang and Wiesenfeld in 1987. Since then, a lot of researchers have studied this model and similar models, all related by the concept of self-organized criticality. In this thesis, we study a variant on the classical model
Dissipation in the Abelian sandpile model
Conditions for criticality
The Abelian sandpile model was first introduced by Bak, Tang and Wiesenfeld in 1987. Since then, a lot of researchers have studied this model and similar models, all related by the concept of self-organized criticality. In this thesis, we study a variant on the classical model
Landens transformatie
De verbinding tussen π, het RMG en de bètafunctie
Eerst introduceren we het rekenkundig-meetkundig gemiddelde (RMG), een snel convergerend algoritme dat een verband heeft met π en nog veel meer constanten en functies. Hoffmann toont dit in een bewijs aan, echter is deze niet waterdicht en amper onderbouwd. Daarom gaan wij ons ve
Landens transformatie
De verbinding tussen π, het RMG en de bètafunctie
Eerst introduceren we het rekenkundig-meetkundig gemiddelde (RMG), een snel convergerend algoritme dat een verband heeft met π en nog veel meer constanten en functies. Hoffmann toont dit in een bewijs aan, echter is deze niet waterdicht en amper onderbouwd. Daarom gaan wij ons ve
Analysis of Microscopic Images
A Gradient Vector Flow Based Approach
The theory of active contours is applied to microscopic images of cells. A model is developed that approximates cell borders by dynamic curves. This model is based on gradient vector flow (GVF), an external force that acts on the contours. Both active contours and the GVF force f
Analysis of Microscopic Images
A Gradient Vector Flow Based Approach
The theory of active contours is applied to microscopic images of cells. A model is developed that approximates cell borders by dynamic curves. This model is based on gradient vector flow (GVF), an external force that acts on the contours. Both active contours and the GVF force f
Dependence Measures in Citation Analysis
The application of parametric copulas to capture the dependence structure between the publications of a reseacher and the citations of those publications.
In this thesis we try to capture the dependence structure of the publications of a scholar and the citations of those publications via copulas. To do so, we will use a sample of Quebec re- searchers for who their publication amount as well as their citation amounts are known. We
Dependence Measures in Citation Analysis
The application of parametric copulas to capture the dependence structure between the publications of a reseacher and the citations of those publications.
In this thesis we try to capture the dependence structure of the publications of a scholar and the citations of those publications via copulas. To do so, we will use a sample of Quebec re- searchers for who their publication amount as well as their citation amounts are known. We
Analysis of Microscopic Images
A Morphological Approach
In this thesis we apply the numerical method of Morphological Geometric Active Contours as proposed by Alvarez, Baumela and Marquez-Neila to microscopic images of plant cells. The goal is to find all plant cells in the images, and then to find their cell walls. This is done in or
Analysis of Microscopic Images
A Morphological Approach
In this thesis we apply the numerical method of Morphological Geometric Active Contours as proposed by Alvarez, Baumela and Marquez-Neila to microscopic images of plant cells. The goal is to find all plant cells in the images, and then to find their cell walls. This is done in or