T.M. Tegelberg


2 records found

Un-Impaired Study

A study on inclusive study spaces

At the TU Delft, 9% of the students officially have an impairment, however, estimates go up to 30% (Centrum Hoger Onderwijs Informatie, 2019). The TU Delft is building new spaces to accommodate its students but seems to do so for the median student. Little research has been condu ...

Slowing Down in an Impulse-Permeated World

What we can learn from people diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder regarding the design of (semi-public) spaces

There are more diagnoses of autism spectrum disorder and the world is more and more demanding of our directed attention. This can lead to Directed Attention Fatigue which leads to heightened arousal. Per the Yerkes-Dodson Law, heightened arousal lowers performance in simple and e ...