
14 records found


Backscattering LiFi-leaked RF Signals

Radio-Frequency (RF) backscatter has emerged as a low-power communication technique. Backscatter systems either rely on active signal generators (spectrum efficient, but dedicated infrastructure) or existing ambient wireless transmissions (existing infrastructure, but spectrum in ...


Transparent Amplifying Intelligent Surface for Indoor-To-Outdoor mmWave Communications

This paper presents a novel transparent amplifying intelligent surface (TAIS) architecture for uplink enhancement in indoor-To-outdoor mmWave communications. The TAIS is an amplifier-based transmissive intelligent surface that can refract and amplify the incident signal, instead ...

In Light and In Darkness, In Motion and In Stillness

A Reliable and Adaptive Receiver for the Internet of Lights

LEDs in our buildings, vehicles, and consumer products are rapidly gaining visible light communication capabilities. LED links however are notorious for being unreliable: shadowing, blockage, mobility, external light, all of these issues can disrupt the connectivity easily. There ...


A cell-free VLC network architecture empowered by beamspot blending

In visible light communication (VLC), the quality of communication is primarily dominated by line-of-sight links. To ensure an appropriate link quality anywhere, beamsteering has been proposed where transmitters (TXs) dynamically steer their beams to create beamspots on the users ...


Enabling Through-Screen Visible Light Communication

We are now witnessing a trend of realizing full-screen on electronic devices such as smartphones to maximize their screen-to-body ratio for a better user experience. Thus the bezel/narrow-bezel on today's devices to host various line-of-sight sensors would disappear. This trend n ...
A massive MIMO network can serve ten's of users simultaneously. However, in dense scenarios the users are potentially closely-spaced, potentially resulting in substantial inter-user interference. Scheduling can overcome this by selecting the users that lead to the highest combine ...


Co-Designing Smart Lighting and Communication for Visible Light Networks

Visible Light Communication (VLC) based on LEDs has been a hot topic investigated for over a decade. However, most of the research efforts assume the intensity of LED light is constant. This hypothesis is not true when Smart Lighting is introduced to VLC, which requires LEDs to a ...
Touchscreens and buttons had became a medium for virus transmission during the COVID-19 pandemic. We have seen in our daily life that people use tissues and keys to press buttons inside elevators, on public screens, etc. In the post- COVID world, touch-free interaction with publi ...

Passive visible light networks

Taxonomy and opportunities

Artificial lighting has been used mainly for illumination for more than a century. Only recently, we have started to transform our lighting infrastructure to provide new services such as sensing and communication. These advancements have two key requirements: the ability to modul ...


Featuring LED Lights Through Hue Sensing

Visible Light Positioning (VLP) has been prevalent in providing high-precision localization systems in the past decade. However, the commercial availability or usage is still limited primarily due to the requirement of changing the existing lighting infrastructure. In this paper, ...


When Smart Lighting Meets VLC

Visible Light Communication (VLC) based on LEDs has been a hot topic investigated for over a decade. However, most of the research efforts in this area assume the intensity of the light emitted from LEDs is constant. This is not true any more when Smart Lighting is introduced to ...


Addressing Heterogeneity in Multi-Device Federated Learning

Federated Learning (FL) has emerged as a privacy-preserving paradigm for collaborative deep learning model training across distributed data silos. Despite its importance, FL faces challenges such as high latency and less effective global models. In this paper, we propose ShuffleF ...

Follow That Light

Leveraging LEDs for Relative Two-Dimensional Localization

Visible light is gaining significant attention as a medium to achieve accurate relative localization. Most of the studies in the area focus on indoor positioning and rely on two important assumptions: (i) lights are static, and (ii) the receiver has line-of-sight with multiple li ...

Follow That Light

Leveraging LEDs for Relative Two-Dimensional Localization

Visible light is gaining significant attention as a medium to achieve accurate relative localization. Most of the studies in the area focus on indoor positioning and rely on two important assumptions: (i) lights are static, and (ii) the receiver has line-of-sight with multiple li ...


6 records found

Training diffusion models with federated learning

A communication-efficient model for cross-silo federated image generation

The training of diffusion-based models for image generation is predominantly controlled by a select few Big Tech companies, raising concerns about privacy, copyright, and data authority due to the lack of transparency regarding training data. Hence, we propose a federated diffusi ...

Parallel Dissector

Parallel Processing of DDoS Data

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) leverages the power of multiple servers to disrupt the operations of a victim service. Due to the financial risks posed by downtimes on critical online infrastructure, DDoS is among the top threats in the cybersecurity landscape. In this pape ...

Touchless Hand Gesture-Based Digit Recognition

Using Light-Sensors, Convolutional Neural Networks and a Microcontroller

Touchless interaction with computers has become more important in recent years, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Applications include situations where touch input is not possible or not desirable, e.g. for hygienic purposes in a public setting or a medical sett ...

Recognising Gestures Using Ambient Light and Convolutional Neural Networks

Adapting Convolutional Neural Networks for Gesture Recognition on Resource-constrained Microcontrollers

This paper presents how a convolutional neural network can be constructed in order to recognise gestures using photodiodes and ambient light. A number of candidates are presented and evaluated, with the most performant being adopted for in-depth analysis. This network is then com ...

Natural Language Processing and Tabular Data sets in Federated Continual Learning

A usability study of FCL in domains beyond Image classification

Federated Continual Learning (FCL) is a emerging field with strong roots in Image classification. However, limited research has been done on its potential in Natural Language Processing and Tabular datasets. With recent developments in A.I. with language models and the widespread ...

IMS in 5G

Analysis of IMS based communication services in the 5G network

The thesis focuses on investigating the role of IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) in 5G networks. IMS already plays a very important role in enabling a wide range of real-time multimedia communication services such as basic phone calls and messaging in the LTE network. Addition of ap ...