Fernando Oliveira Filho

14 records found


The theta body of a graph, introduced by Grötschel, Lovász, and Schrijver (in 1986), is a tractable relaxation of the independent-set polytope derived from the Lovász theta number. In this paper, we recursively extend the theta body, and hence the theta number, to hypergraphs. ...

The average kissing number in ℝn is the supremum of the average degrees of contact graphs of packings of finitely many balls (of any radii) in ℝn. We provide an upper bound for the average kissing number based on semidefinite programming that improves pre ...

We propose a hierarchy of k-point bounds extending the Delsarte–Goethals–Seidel linear programming 2-point bound and the Bachoc–Vallentin semidefinite programming 3-point bound for spherical codes. An optimized implementation of this hierarchy allows us to compute 4, 5, and 6- ...

In this paper we prove a theorem that provides an upper bound for the density of packings of congruent copies of a given convex body in ℝn; this theorem is a generalization of the linear programming bound for sphere packings. We illustrate its use by computing an up ...


It was first shown by D. Potapov and F. Sukochev in 2009 that Lipschitz functions are also operator-Lipschitz on Schatten class operators Sp, 1<p<∞, which is related to a conjecture by M. Krein. Their proof combined Schur multiplication, a generalisation of compo ...
In his paper "Group C*-algebras without the completely bounded approximation property", Haagerup proves several important results about the weak amenability of locally compact groups. Among these, is the result that a lattice in a second-countable, unimodular, locally compact gro ...
In this thesis, we derive a multivariate analogue of Ruijsenaars’s 2F1-generalisation R. We use Hopf algebra representation theory of the modular double of sl.2/, a Hopf algebra structure strongly related to quantum groups, to relate the function R to overlap coefficients of eige ...

Pre-Releasing Strategies for Same-Day Home Delivery

Comparing Heuristics for Partially Dynamic Vehicle Routing with Stochastic Customers

This thesis investigates the optimization of Same-Day Delivery (SDD) in the context of a Dynamic and Stochastic Vehicle Routing Problem with Time-Windows (DSVRPTW). A central focus is the concept of pre-releasing; the process of assigning an order to a specific route and preparin ...
Upper bounds for the kissing number can be written as a semidefinite program (SDP) through the Delsarte-Goethals-Seidel method for spherical codes. This thesis solves the resulting SDP with a cutting plane approach, in which a sequence of linear programs (LPs) is solved with the ...
In 2017 Martijn Caspers, Fedor Sukochev and Dmitriy Zanin published a paper which generalises the proof of Davies' 1988 paper, and thus resolves the Nazarov-Peller conjecture. The proofs of these papers have been presented in this thesis. They have been expanded with a proof that ...
Dynamic Time Slot Management (DTSM) is a system often used in online retail to manage the delivery of goods to customers. With DTSM customers arrive over time and place orders. They get presented with a set of time slots and the customer picks the time slot in which he wants the ...
In recent years the importance of sum of squares and semidefinte pro-gramming has been seen in the field of combinatorial optimisation. Alllinear programs can be rewritten into a semidefinte one and by usinghierarchies of semidefinite programs these can be solved for ...
Packing problems are concerned with filling the space with copies of a certain object, so that the least amount of space stays unoccupied. The famous Kepler conjecture asserts that the cannonball packing of spheres is the most efficient packing achievable, and was recently formal ...
The spherical transform maps the orthogonal basis of symmetric Jacobi-type polynomials to an orthogonal basis of (symmetric) Wilson polynomials. The spherical transform is closely related to the Cherednik-Opdam transform, as it is essentially its symmetric version. The symmetric ...