G. D. Couples


6 records found

The fossiliferous Eocene carbonate reservoir interval of the offshore Hasdrubal Field has a diagenetic history in which dolomitisation of micrite-rich facies has significantly enhanced reservoir quality. Using published information on the diagenetic evolution, digital textural re ...
Although flow through fractured rocks involves many different length-scales, it is crucial for the prediction of continuum-scale single- and multi-phase flow functions to understand, at the pore-scale, the interaction between the rock matrix and fractures. Here we present a pore- ...
Fractured reservoirs contain around 60% of the world's remaining oil reserves. Fracture corridors have been noticed as a major architectural element in outcrops of fractured rock and are known to affect recovery by providing high-permeability flow conduits. Simulations of fractur ...
Carbonate reservoirs have textural heterogeneities at all length-scales (triple porosity pore-vug-fracture) and tend to be mixed- to oil-wet The choice of an enhanced oil recovery process and the prediction of oil recovery require a sound understanding of the fundamental controls ...
Basin modelling tools are widely used to predict reservoir charging but, unfortunately, their application to carbonate reservoirs is far from straightforward. For carbonates, the relationships between porosity/ effective stress/depth, must be addressed before a reliable basin mod ...