agda2hs is a tool which translates a subset of Agda to readable Haskell. Using agda2hs, programmers can implement libraries in this subset of Agda, formally verify them, and then convert them to Haskell. In this paper we present a new, verified implementation of the lens data typ
agda2hs is a tool which translates a subset of Agda to readable Haskell. Using agda2hs, programmers can implement libraries in this subset of Agda, formally verify them, and then convert them to Haskell. In this paper we present a new, verified implementation of the lens data type, which is used to access data structures in a readable yet functionally pure way. We show successfully verified lenses for record types and tuples, and also present a lens operating on lists that could not be translated properly. We discuss the obstacles encountered during development, and offer thoughts on possible improvements to agda2hs.