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F Sabatier
Academic Work (22)
Abstract (1)
Conference paper (8)
Journal article (7)
Poster (6)
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22 records found
Pocket beach vulnerability to sea-level rise
Journal article (2007) -
C Brunel (author)
F Sabatier (author)
Sediment budget of the Danube Delta coastal zone
Conference paper (2007) -
S. Dan (author)
Marcel Stive (author)
Marcel J.F. Stive (author)
M. J.F. Stive (author)
D. J.R. Walstra (author)
Dirk Jan R. Walstra (author)
D. J. Walstra (author)
Dirk J R Walstra (author)
Dirk Jan Walstra (author)
Dirk-Jan Walstra (author)
DJR Walstra (author)
D.J.R. Walstra (author)
Dirkjan Walstra (author)
F Sabatier (author)
Connexions entre le Rhone et son delta (partie 1): evolution du trait de cote du delta du Rhone depuis le milieu du XIXe siecle
Journal article (2006) -
GM Maillet (author)
F Sabatier (author)
D Rousseau (author)
M Provansal (author)
TJ Fleury (author)
Erosion of the sandy bottom in front of a seawall (Veran Site, gulf of Lions, Mediterranean Coast)
Conference paper (2006) -
S Olivier (author)
F Sabatier (author)
A. Lambert (author)
Watertable monitoring on a beach equipped with a dewatering system: relationship between watertable elevation and beach morphology
Abstract (2006) -
A. Lambert (author)
V Rey (author)
O Samat (author)
F Sabatier (author)
M Provansal (author)
Connexions entre le Rhone et son delta (partie 2): evolution de l'embouchure du Rhone depuis le debut du XVIIIe siecle
Journal article (2006) -
GM Maillet (author)
C. Vella (author)
M Provansal (author)
F Sabatier (author)
Sediment budget of the Rhone delta shoreface since the middle of the 19th century
Journal article (2006) -
F Sabatier (author)
GM Maillet (author)
M Provansal (author)
TJ Fleury (author)
S Suanez (author)
C. Vella (author)
Storm control on overwash processes and shoreline retreat on a microtidal littoral barrier
Poster (2006) -
H Heurtefeux (author)
F Sabatier (author)
Extreme storm surge distributions and practical applications at Marseilles (France)
Conference paper (2006) -
P Gaufrès (author)
F Sabatier (author)
Discussion of: Paskoff, R.; 2004. Potential implications of Sea-level Rise for France
Journal article (2005) -
F Sabatier (author)
M Provansal (author)
TJ Fleury (author)
Evolution of the Rhone delta plain in the holocene
Journal article (2005) -
C. Vella (author)
TJ Fleury (author)
G Raccasi (author)
M Provansal (author)
F Sabatier (author)
M Bourcier (author)
Longshore variation of depth of closure on a micro-tidal wave-dominated coast
Conference paper (2005) -
F Sabatier (author)
M. J.F. Stive (author)
Marcel J.F. Stive (author)
Marcel Stive (author)
F Pons (author)
Comparaison de deux modeles cross-shore d'erosion des plages (site de Roysty, Delta du Rhone, France)
Conference paper (2004) -
D Morellato (author)
F Sabatier (author)
F Pons (author)
P Gaufrès (author)
Transport sedimentaire de la dune a la zone du deferlement sur une plage soumise a des vents de terre
Conference paper (2004) -
F Sabatier (author)
O Samat (author)
M Chaibi (author)
A. Lambert (author)
F Pons (author)
E Mignot (author)
Erosion des fonts sableux au droit d'une digue (site de Veran, Golfe du Lion, France)
Conference paper (2004) -
O Samat (author)
A. Lambert (author)
F Sabatier (author)
River-shoreface-shelf sediment budget of a deltaic system. The case of the Rhone delta during the 20th century (France).
Conference paper (2003) -
F Sabatier (author)
C. Antonelli (author)
G Maillet (author)
T.J. Fleury (author)
Transport longshore à différentes échelles spatio-temporelles sur les plages du delta du Rhône
Poster (2003) -
F Sabatier (author)
M Provansal (author)
M Chaibi (author)
O Samat (author)
A. Lambert (author)
G Maillet (author)
Rhone River mouth sedimentation during the XXth century
Poster (2003) -
G Maillet (author)
J. Fleury (author)
C. Vella (author)
F Sabatier (author)
Evolution of the Rhone delta coast since the end of the 19th century
Journal article (2003) -
F Sabatier (author)
S Suanez (author)
Evidence of perpendicular hydraulic dunes on a longshore barred beach by Color Inffra Red aerial photographs.
Poster (2003) -
F Sabatier (author)
A. Lambert (author)
B. Simon (author)