In the current times, the world context is focused on trying to incorporate hybridity into various industries. There is a certain research gap between architecture and soft robotics where inflatable architecture has been implemented and architectural robotics has also been implem
In the current times, the world context is focused on trying to incorporate hybridity into various industries. There is a certain research gap between architecture and soft robotics where inflatable architecture has been implemented and architectural robotics has also been implemented but a combination of pneumatic robotics has not been explored much. In this aim, my thesis explores the possibility of integrating Soft robotics into an architectural design approach leading to the symbiosis of digital and physical.
The goal of the thesis is to develop a computational design approach for integrating spatial experience into design. The Intersection of robotics and spatial design explores a new tangent in architecture where the relationship between the human and space is constantly challenged and enhanced using sensors, actuators, responsive materials and ambient intelligence. The design represents an ever-changing living environment where human social behaviour not necessarily with space dictates the plasticity of the environment. The soft robots would be used as a means to highlight and explore how spaces could react to humans on a material scale.