S Delgado Olabarriaga


3 records found

Digital technologies, such as Big Data analytics, artificial intelligence, cloud and high-performance computing are presenting new opportunities to transform healthcare systems, increase connectivity of hospitals and other providers, and therefore potentially and significantly im ...
Digital technologies, such as Big Data analytics, artificial intelligence, cloud and high-performance computing are presenting new opportunities to transform healthcare systems, increase connectivity of hospitals and other providers, and therefore potentially and significantly im ...
Digital technologies, such as Big Data analytics, artificial intelligence, cloud and high-performance computing are presenting new opportunities to transform healthcare systems, increase connectivity of hospitals and other providers, and therefore potentially and significantly im ...


1 records found

Ransomware attacks based on social engineering have been increasing since COVID-19. Attackers have commonly used phishing as a social engineering technique to deploy a ransomware attack. Critical infrastructures such as hospitals have been the common target of these attacks due t ...