
Robin de Jong


3 records found

A hydrodynamic study on floating export cable systems

Using finite element method modelling to study the hydrodynamic behaviour and optimise the design of floating export cable systems

During ‘float-out’ installation of export cables, the cable is pulled to shore while floating, supported by inflatable floaters. Understanding the hydrodynamic behaviour of these cable-floater-systems (CFS’s) is important, to be able to relate the hydraulic environment to the cab ...
This thesis is about homological algebra and singular (co)homology. In the first chapter the notions of complexes of abelian groups, (co)homology of these complexes and injective resolutions will be introduced. Then Ext-groups will be defined and various properties dervied. A p ...
This thesis is about Van Kampen's theorem and fundamental groupoids. Van Kampen's Theorem is a classical result in algebraic topology, which proposes a way of calculating the fundamental group of a topological spaces using the fundamental groups of certain subspaces. In this thes ...