Eric Mackay
12 records found
Numerical simulations of surfactant flooding in carbonate reservoirs
The impact of geological heterogeneities across scales
We demonstrate how geological heterogeneity impacts the effectiveness of surfactant-based enhanced oil recovery (EOR) at larger (inter-well and sector) scales when upscaling small (core) scale heterogeneity and physicochemical processes. We used two experimental datasets of su ...
We propose a workflow to optimize the configuration of multiple-interacting-continua (MINC) models and overcome the limitations of the classical dual-porosity (DP) model when simulating chemical-component-transport processes during two-phase flow. Our new approach captures the ...
Impact of temperature on fluid-rock interactions during CO2 injection in depleted limestone aquifers
Laboratory and modelling studies
When CO2 is injected into an aquifer, the injected CO2 is generally colder than the reservoir rock; this results in thermal gradients along the flow path. The temperature variation has an impact on CO2 solubility and the kinetics of any mineral ...
Understanding pore-scale flow and transport processes is important for understanding flow and transport within rocks on a larger scale. Flow experiments on small-scale micromodels can be used to experimentally investigate pore-scale flow. Current manufacturing methods of micro ...
We investigate how efficiently oil can be recovered from a carbonate rock during surfactant based enhanced oil recovery (EOR) at the core-scale, particularly when chemical processes change wettability, and analyse how geological heterogeneities, observed at the next larger sca ...
We propose a workflow to optimise the configuration of multiple interacting continua (MINC) models and overcome the limitations of the classical dual-porosity model when simulating chemically enhanced oil recovery processes. Our new approach captures the evolution of the conce ...
Three-dimensional printing for geoscience
Fundamental research, education, and applications for the petroleum industry
Three-dimensional (3-D) printing provides a fast, cost-effective way to produce and replicate complicated designs with minimal flaws and little material waste. Early use of 3-D printing for engineering applications in the petroleum industry has stimulated further adoption by g ...
Advanced or smart completion wells are different from conventional wells by being equipped with downhole flow control devices such as Interval Control Valves (ICV) and Inflow Control Devices (ICD) to offer improved reservoir management and control and thus maximise hydrocarbon ...