
4 records found


Development of a Collision Avoidance Validation and Evaluation Tool (CAVEAT)

Addressing the intrinsic uncertainty in TCAS II and ACAS X

Airborne Collision Avoidance Systems (ACAS) form a key safety barrier by providing last-moment resolution advisories (RAs) to pilots for avoiding mid-air collisions. For the generation of advisories ACAS uses various ownship state estimates (e.g. pressure altitude) and othersh ...


In this report we demonstrate the outcomes of the research performed in the Air Transport Safety Institute of the Royal Netherlands Aerospace Centre (NLR). This research project constitutes the MSc Thesis of the writer, towards the graduation of the MSc Aerospace Engineering at D ...

Agent-based modelling and simulation for quantification of resilience in air transport

The effects of a sudden and unexpected bad weather disturbance on conventional approach operations

Socio-technical systems consist of deeply interconnected and interdependent social entities and technical systems that collaborate to achieve a global goal. The individual characteristics and behaviours of each involved actor and their interactions define the resulting overall em ...