X. Liu
15 records found
This paper presents a matrix coupled model for the vehicle–track interaction analysis with the crossing panel taken into account. In this model, the wheel–rail contact is assumed to be elastic and solved by the mathematical matrix formulations. Specifically, the determination of
Development of Condition Monitoring System for Railway Crossings
Condition Assessment and Degradation Detection for Guided Maintenance
Railway crossings are essential components of the railway track system that allow trains to switch from one track to another. Due to the complex wheel-rail interaction in the crossing panel, crossings are vulnerable elements of railway infrastructure and usually have short servic
The paper presents an integrated (experimental and numerical) tool for analysis of crossing performance in railway turnouts.@en
In the structural health monitoring for railway crossings, identifying the condition stages of the crossing elements is an important step for the crossing condition assessment. This paper presents the condition stages identification procedure using the multi-body system method. T
This paper presents the investigation of the root causes of the fast degradation of a railway crossing. The dynamic performance of the crossing was assessed using the sensor-based crossing instrumentation, and the measurement results were verified using the multi-body system (MBS
This paper presents the development of a multi-body system (MBS) vehicle-crossing model and its application in the structural health monitoring (SHM) of railway crossings. The vehicle and track configurations in the model were adjusted to best match the real-life situation. By us
This paper presents a correlation analysis of the structural dynamic responses and weather conditions of a railway crossing. Prior to that, the condition monitoring of the crossing as well as the indicators for crossing condition assessment are briefly introduced. In the correlat
Two experimental tools to measure the railway crossing dynamic responses are presented. One system is ESAH-M equipped with a 3-D accelerometer and a speed detection sensor that featured for crossing instrumentation and characterised by fast installation/uninstallation, automatic
The paper presents an integrated approach for analysis and improvement of performance of railway crossings. The approach consists of a detailed finite element (FE) model of a wheel rolling over a crossing (validated against the measured crossing accelerations) and experimental to
Transition zones in railway tracks are the locations with considerable changes in the vertical support structures. Due to the differential stiffness and settlement in the open track and the engineering structure resulting in the dynamic amplification of the wheel forces, track se