R. Greco

5 records found

Invited perspectives

Hydrological perspectives on precipitation intensity-duration thresholds for landslide initiation: Proposing hydro-meteorological thresholds

Many shallow landslides and debris flows are precipitation initiated. Therefore, regional landslide hazard assessment is often based on empirically derived precipitation intensity-duration (ID) thresholds and landslide inventories. Generally, two features of precipitation events ...
Wildfires are a growing concern in the Mediterranean area. Prescribed burning (PB) is often used to reduce fire risk, through fine fuel reduction. However, the monitoring of PB effects on ecosystem processes is mandatory before its spread. This study aims to assess hydrological e ...
Wildfires are one of the major environmental issue in the Mediterranean area. Prescribed burning (PB) is increasingly used in Europe as a practice to reduce fire risk, through dead fine fuel reduction. Several studies have focused on fire effects on vegetation and soil microbial ...
Rainfall induced landslides are a hydrological phenomenon. It deals with all hydrological processes from rainfall to discharge focussing on the role of the variably saturated hillslope soil. However, where much of the hillslope and catchment hydrology traditionally focus on the l ...

Filling, storing and draining

Three key aspects of landslide hydrology

Rainfall-triggered landslides are among the most widespread hazards in the world. The hydrology in and around a landslide area is key to pore pressure build-up in the soil skeleton which reduces shear strength due to the buoyancy force exerted by water in a saturated soil and to ...