
20 records found

For sedentary activities, the PMV equation, derived by Fanger, is mainly based on the research of Nevins et al. (720 test subjects). Nevins' experiments were later on repeated by Fanger, but with 128 college-age Danish subjects and 128 elderly Danish subjects, instead of American ...
Er zijn aanwijzingen dat het Sars-Cov-2-virus zich door de lucht kan verspreiden en dat infectie via aerogene transmissie niet kan worden uitgesloten. In hoeverre is dan het gewenste waargenomen luchtkwaliteitsniveau, dat ten grondslag ligt aan de dimensionering van een ventilati ...

Niet-medische mondneusmaskers in de publieke binnenruimte

Non-medical mouth-nose masks in the public interior space

Met ingang van 30 september is door de Rijksoverheid dringend geadviseerd niet-medische mondneusmaskers te dragen bij verplaatsing in de publieke binnenruimte. Aangezien er sprake is van een dringend advies en (nog) geen verplichting, zijn er situaties denkbaar waarbij een geïnfe ...

The impact of office environments on employee performance

The design of the workplace as a strategy for productivity enhancement

One of the fundamental human requirements is a working environment that allows people to perform their work optimally under comfortable conditions. Given that buildings and air conditioning systems are designed on the basis of a certain level of discomfort, this raises the key qu ...

Healthy ageing

Differences between elderly and non-elderly in temperature sensation and dissatisfied

The key question in this study is: ‘To which extent is the difference in thermal comfort mathematically to describe by temperature sensation and the percentage of dissatisfied, between the elderly and non-elderly, related to the Fanger model?’. This study proves that it is possib ...

Evaluation of draught in surgical operating theatres

Proposed revision to (NEN)-EN-ISO-7730

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to show that it is advisable to evaluate draught in an operating theatre in a different manner than the method according to NEN-EN-ISO-7730. The NEN-EN-ISO-7730 is an international standard for the analytical determination and interpretation ...

Healthy ageing

Design criteria for the indoor environment for vital elderly

If the society has the opinion that older people should work longer and should take care for themselves than, in the built environment, and particularly in the housing process, we have to note that the elderly have different requirements of health than young people. In the law an ...
This paper has the objective to initiate a discussion on potential improvements or extension of the validity of the original equation of the Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied (PPD), according to (NEN-)EN-ISO 7730. This paper is to be regarded as a supplement to a paper on a re ...
There are different thermal perception models linked to a mathematical thermophysiological human model, with which the thermal sensation under stationary and/or dynamic conditions can be evaluated. Each of these perception and thermophysiological models have their own field of ap ...
In this study, using construction activities as an example, a proposal is made for the time-dependent prediction of the thermal sensation and the performance loss using a cooling vest, under transient conditions. The approach presented here can, mutatis mutandis, be used for any ...
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze the question “In what order of magnitude does the comfort and performance improvement lie with the use of a cooling vest for construction workers?”. Design/methodology/approach: The use of personal cooling systems, in the form of c ...
In de utiliteitsbouw hebben duurzaam en energiezuinig bouwen een sterke invloed op het ontwerp van de gevel en de klimaatinstallatie. In bepaalde situaties kan het raadzaam zijn om een zogeheten tweedehuid façade toe te passen. Hierbij wordt de gevel niet – zoals bij de klimaatge ...
Door de coronapandemie is er weer volop aandacht voor de binnenluchtkwaliteit in scholen. Een grootschalige inventarisatie van de ventilatiesystemen in schoolgebouwen heeft de nodige manco’s aan het licht gebracht. Inmiddels zijn verschillende mogelijke oplossingen voorgesteld om ...
Stolwijk developed a thermophysiological human model which, to day, is still the basis and inspiration for many other thermophysiological human models. The Stolwijk model used in this study is improved with regard of the calculation of the skin temperature and equipped with cloth ...
For the sake of energy and cost savings, it is sometimes necessary to maintain the indoor climate in a room at conditions that deviate from optimal thermal comfort. More important than thermal sensation is how a change in conditions will affect the thermal acceptability of a spac ...
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to show how the performance of the personnel can be negatively affected by conversations, adjacent to the working space, in an open-plan office environment. Design/methodology/approach – Using two scientific mathematical models it is possibl ...
BACKGROUND: The original Stolwijk model is not equipped with clothing, thermal sensation, comfort indices, individual characteristics and performance loss models. OBJECTIVE: This study attempts to modify the model to include clothing, thermal sensation as well as the calculation ...
Purpose – The purpose of the paper is to demonstrate that it is completely rational to invest in climate installations for offices designed on the highest comfort category. Design/methodology/approach – By means of a study on a building model it is proved that the benefits of a h ...
Purpose – The purpose of the paper is to demonstrate that it is completely rational to invest in climate installations for offices designed on the highest comfort category. Design/methodology/approach – By means of a study on a building model it is proved that the benefits of a h ...
Purpose – This article is a proposal and aims to be a first step to develop a method to evaluate and classify environmental noise, according to EN-15251 and CR-1752, in the built environment based on the percentage of dissatisfied related to the equivalent background noise level. ...