
T.A.C.M. van der Put


20 records found

The classical nucleation and growth model is modified and it is shown that the concept of fluctuations, instability and surface energy is not needed and that (as applies for glass transition) nucleation is a common example of the kinetic theory of structural change processes, wit ...
It is possible to explain the so called mechano-sorptive effect that occurs in wood by moisture cycling by an earlier derived general deformation kinetics model, as a bond breaking process of secondary bonds, causing internal shifts of adjacent layers with respect to each other, ...
Based on the deformation kinetics approach, the theoretical derivation is given of the empirical WLF-equation of the time–temperature equivalence. The same is done for annealing at glass transition. The derivation provides a general theory for any loading history and replaces the ...
By the earlier derived theory of the embedding strength, based on the equilibrium method of plasticity, it is possible to fully explain the empirical relations and test results of an investigation of the embedding strength of particle boards leading to a new insight for the right ...
The elastic—full plastic loading curve is for all materials sufficient to explain the strength of beams and beam columns loaded by bending and compression. This theory is extended for the influence of shear stress, and it is shown to be the only way to explain the combined bendin ...
Based on the elasticplastic strength calculation, necessary for precise data explanation, a derivation is given of the failure criterion for combined bending, compression and shear. This exact limit state criterion should replace the unacceptable unsafe criteria of Eurocode 5 (EN ...
To correct the empirical design rules for locally loaded beams and blocks of Eurocode 5, the theoretical explanation of these rules and of the applied test data is given. It appears that the design rule may be far too conservative, or too unsafe in other cases, and only approxima ...
It is shown, that the applied fracture mechanics textbook boundary value problem solution is identical to the sum of the transformed exact solutions of pure normal stress loading alone, and of pure shear stress loading alone, although these two solutions exclude each other and ca ...
The results of the here discussed article of Yoshihara (2012), are unsatisfactory and need to be reconsidered. The existence of two critical stress intensities is postulated, which may differ a factor 3 to 4 from each other. A questionable push up of the lower data-curve, as give ...
Limit Analysis is an prescribed exact approach of Wood Science, what is shown to also apply for wood Fracture Mechanics. Knowledge of the gradual elastic to plastic behavior and of the imitation by non-linear elasticity (and J-integral) is shown to be not needed. The linear – ful ...
The developed exact theory is given in the appended publications denoted by D, thus: D(1991), D(2008a), D(2008b), D(2010), D(2011), D(2012a) D(2012b) and primary, by the partly expired D(2006a), D(2006b). Other relevant derivations and applications are mentioned in these publicat ...
Based on a polynomial expansion of the failure surface, a general failure criterion, satisfying equilibrium in all directions. was developed for wood long ago (IUFRO Borns 1982) and shown to apply for clear wood. For wood with (small) defects and (local) grain deviations, equival ...
One of the conclusions of the stability group of CIB-Wl8A was that the Code must allow for analytical solutions for stability design based on quasi linear behaviour and must rever to these methods (p.e. to the Larsen-Theilgaard method for columns). Although a new parabolic failur ...