
8 records found

In the context of building heating systems control in office buildings, the current state-of-the-art applies either a deterministic Model Predictive Control (MPC) controller together with a nonlinear model, or a linearized model with a stochastic MPC controller. Deterministic MPC ...
In this paper, the novel Distributed Bayesian (D-Bay) algorithm is presented for solving multi-agent problems within the Continuous Distributed Constraint Optimization Problem (C-DCOP) framework. This framework extends the classical DCOP framework towards utility functions with c ...
In this work, the novel algorithm Bayesian Dynamic Programming Optimization Procedure (B-DPOP) is presented to solve multi-agent problems within the Distributed Constraint Optimization Problem framework. The Bayesian optimization framework is used to prove convergence to the glob ...
In this work, the novel algorithm Bayesian Dynamic Programming Optimization Procedure (B-DPOP) is presented to solve multi-agent problems within the Distributed Constraint Optimization Problem framework. The Bayesian optimization framework is used to prove convergence to the glob ...
We propose a parametrized Model Predictive Control (MPC) approach for optimal operation of microgrids. The parametrization expresses the control input as a function of the states, variables, and parameters. In this way, it is possible to apply an MPC approach by optimizing only t ...
We propose a parametrized Model Predictive Control (MPC) approach for optimal operation of microgrids. The parametrization expresses the control input as a function of the states, variables, and parameters. In this way, it is possible to apply an MPC approach by optimizing only t ...
In this paper, Mine Counter-Measures (MCM) operations with multiple cooperative Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) are examined within the Distributed Constraint optimization Problem (DCOP) framework. The goal of an MCM-operation is to search for mines and mine-like objects wi ...
In this paper, Mine Counter-Measures (MCM) operations with multiple cooperative Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) are examined within the Distributed Constraint optimization Problem (DCOP) framework. The goal of an MCM-operation is to search for mines and mine-like objects wi ...


12 records found

Pushing with a quadrupedal robot

A proof of concept regarding stable pushing by a quadrupedal robot

Quadrupedal robots possess the ability to move freely in the world and perform a variety of actions that would be unsafe or impractical for humans to perform. In the SNOW project, a quadrupedal robot is tasked with aiding firefighters in rescue missions during house fires by loca ...

Heuristics-based causal discovery

Discovering causal relations through heuristics-based action planning and dynamical search space adjustment

To operate in open world environments a symbolic Artificial Intelligence (AI) to be able to adapt and incorporate new objects and relations in its Knowledge Base (KB). Symbolic AI use the objects and relations in their KB to navigate the world and create plans. These KB are fille ...

Memristor-based Neuromorphic Computing

Design and simulation of a Neural Network based on Memristor technology

During the whole history of Computer Science as we know it, the end goal has been to solve problems faster and more efficiently than us humans. Computers came to be to perform repetitive tasks we do not want to or do not have time to perform ourselves. At some of them, such as si ...

Towards Mobile Robot Deployments with Goal Autonomy in Search-and-Rescue

Discovering Tasks and Constructing Actionable Environment Representations using Situational Affordances

In this work, we address the challenges of employing robots in the Search-and-Rescue (SAR) domain, where they can benefit rescue workers to quickly obtain Situational Awareness (SA). Missions with autonomous mobile robots are heavily dependent on environmental representations. Re ...

Multi-Robot Exploration in Network-Uncertain Indoor Environments

An approach based on adaptive signal strength

In this thesis, an autonomous multi-robot system for indoor exploration in limited network environments is proposed. The specific use case is search and rescue where the operators must have access to the most up-to-date information, necessitating the requirement for communication ...

Multi-Robot Exploration in Network-Uncertain Indoor Environments

An approach based on adaptive signal strength

In this thesis, an autonomous multi-robot system for indoor exploration in limited network environments is proposed. The specific use case is search and rescue where the operators must have access to the most up-to-date information, necessitating the requirement for communication ...
In research, the overall power production in a wind farm is typically increased by employing model-based wind farm control. A controller, in an open-loop setting, operates based on the velocity of the wind flow, predicted by a wind farm model. For a controller to achieve the desi ...
This master thesis introduces Hierarchical Active Inference Control (HAIC) as a control method for nonholonomic systems. This method only requires tuning of a minimal number of hyperparameters and has a relative low computation load. HAIC is based on recent research done in the a ...
Reinforcement learning (RL) is an area of Machine Learning (ML) concerned with learning how a software-defined agent should act in an environment to maximize the rewards. Similar to many ML methods, RL suffers from the curse of dimensionality, the exponential increase in solution ...
Autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) are unmanned vehicles that operate underwater. These vehicles can be used for various operations, including scanning the ocean floor in order to search for objects. In such operations, the AUV navigates close to the ocean floor, using its son ...
After the Second World War, chemical warfare agents and munitions were dumped in the Baltic Sea and the North Sea. In order to assess the severity of the environmental consequences, it is important that the chemical warfare agents are located and their condition is investigated a ...
Energy systems influence many aspects of society, from the residential sector to the commercial one. Improving the performance and efficiency of energy systems and guaranteeing their stability is a fundamental task of control engineers. In this regard, this thesis presents modeli ...