H.N. Kekkonen
9 records found
Mathematics and crochet might not appear the most likely pairing for most people. However, crocheting is an inherently mathematical process. You can create various shapes using stitches with different heights and increasing or decreasing the number of stitches in certain places.
We propose alternatives to Bayesian prior distributions that are frequently used in the study of inverse problems. Our aim is to construct priors that have similar good edge-preserving properties as total variation or Mumford-Shah priors but correspond to well-defined infinite-di
We consider the statistical non-linear inverse problem of recovering the absorption term f > 0 in the heat equation {∂tu-12Δu+fu=0onO×(0,T)u=gon∂ O×(0,T)u(·,0)=u0onO, where O ϵ ℝd is a bounded domain, T < ∞ is a fixed time, and g, u 0 are given sufficiently smooth functions
Building blocks and tiles are an excellent way of learning about geometry and mathematics in general. There are several versions of tiles that are either snapped together or connected with magnets that can be used to introduce topics like volume, tessellations, and Platonic solid
How can we convince students, who have mainly learned to follow given mathematical rules, that mathematics can also be fascinating, creative, and beautiful? In this paper I discuss different ways of introducing non-Euclidean geometry to students and the general public using diffe
We consider the statistical inverse problem of recovering an unknown function f from a linear measurement corrupted by additive Gaussian white noise. We employ a nonparametric Bayesian approach with standard Gaussian priors, for which the posterior-based reconstruction of f corre
In this paper we consider variational regularization methods for inverse problems with large noise that is in general unbounded in the image space of the forward operator. We introduce a Banach space setting that allows to define a reasonable notion of solutions for more general
The Bayesian approach to inverse problems is studied in the case where the forward map is a linear hypoelliptic pseudodifferential operator and measurement error is additive white Gaussian noise. The measurement model for an unknown Gaussian random variable U (x, w) is Mδ (y, w)
Tikhonov regularization is studied in the case of linear pseudodifferential operator as the forward map and additive white Gaussian noise as the measurement error. The measurement model for an unknown function u(x) is m(x) = Au(x) + δε(x) where δ > 0