
19 records found

Evolving Asteroid Starships

A bio-inspired approach for interstellar space systems

The hostile and unpredictable environment of deep space requires a new conceptual approach for interstellar flight, one that differs radically from any current design in aerospace. A design solution is proposed in which the starship is attached to a C-type asteroid and whose arch ...


The integration of art into transdisciplinary research practices

In this paper, we argue for the integration of collaborative art practice in transdisciplinary (TD) research to generate ideas and engage researchers and non-academic stakeholders. We draw on the virtual and in-person (hybrid) participation of members of the TD collective Space E ...

What horticulture and space exploration can learn from each other

The Mission to Mars initiative in the Netherlands

The horticulture sector in the Netherlands is a global leader due to technological advancements, knowledge of greenhouse cultivation with high productivities and low resource usage, and entrepreneurship. The Netherlands is the second largest exporter of vegetables in the world, a ...

The Space Farming Project

Space colonization, techno-agriculture and the future of extraterrestrial biopolitics

In order to sustain human life for extended periods of time in deep space one cannot solely rely on support from Earth. It'll be essential to become self-sustaining through a combination of in situ resource utilization, waste recycling, and space farming. The latter can provide a ...

What horticulture and space exploration can learn from each other

The Mission to Mars initiative in the Netherlands

The horticulture sector in the Netherlands is a global leader due to technological advancements, knowledge of greenhouse cultivation with high productivities and low resource usage, and entrepreneurship. The Netherlands is the second largest exporter of vegetables in the world, a ...
To enable sustainable long-duration human space flight, regenerative life support systems (RLSS) will be indispensable. Waste materials will need to be processed and transformed back into nutrients for life-supporting ecosystems. MELiSSA (Micro-Ecological Life Support System Alte ...
Dieses Bild wurde von Studenten und Wissenschaftlern der TU Delft entworfen, die aus zahlreichen wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen zusammenkommen, um neue Konzepte für die Interstellare Raumfahrt zu entwickeln. Diese beinhalten unter anderem auch die Konstruktion eines Raumschiffes ...
The hostile and unpredictable environment of deep space requires a new approach for interstellar flight, one that differs radically from current aerospace concepts. Using biology as inspiration, E|A|S suggests creating autonomous starships that physically grow and evolve during t ...
DSTART (TU Delft Starship Team) is a multidisciplinary team of engineers, scientists, architects and artists developing next-generation concepts for interstellar exploration. DSTART aims to critically explore ideologies underpinning space exploration paradigms, and tries to propo ...
The hostile and unpredictable environment of deep space requires a new conceptual approach for interstellar flight, one that differs radically from any current design in aerospace. Using biology as inspiration, E|A|S suggests creating starships that physically grow and evolve dur ...
The hostile and unpredictable environment of deep space requires a new conceptual approach for interstellar flight, one that differs radically from any current design in aerospace. Using biology as inspiration, E|A|S suggests creating starships that physically grow and evolve dur ...

E|A|S (Evolving Asteroid Starships)

BredaPhoto Festival 2018

It is inevitable that people will explore unknown solar systems, says artist, scientist and former NASA-employee Angelo Vermeulen (Belgium, 1971). But such a journey could take decades and requires a suitable spaceship. Vermeulen leads the interdisciplinary team DSTART of Delft U ...
This chapter describes how architects and artists develop their work through looking at nature and finding role models for proto-architectural applications. Artistic research methodologies are being used to transfer growth strategies in nature into concepts for a new living archit ...
Space-based manufacturing is considered a crucial next step for the further development of human settlement in space. There are vast quantities of building resources distributed throughout space, with asteroids among the most apparent candidates for large-scale mining and resourc ...
When an article about one of the largest biospheric projects entitled “Noah’s Ark—The Sequel” (Reingold 1990) appeared in September 1990, the author Edwin Reingold could not anticipate that Biosphere 2 would become the proof that constructing a closed ecology is one of the toughe ...
When an article about one of the largest biospheric projects entitled “Noah’s Ark—The Sequel” (Reingold 1990) appeared in September 1990, the author Edwin Reingold could not anticipate that Biosphere 2 would become the proof that constructing a closed ecology is one of the toughe ...
The topic of astronaut autonomy has received increasing attention in recent spaceflight literature. However, the question of whether astronauts benefit from autonomy in space, and how autonomy can be fostered by Mission Control deserves further examination. The objective of the p ...
The topic of astronaut autonomy has received increasing attention in recent spaceflight literature. However, the question of whether astronauts benefit from autonomy in space, and how autonomy can be fostered by Mission Control deserves further examination. The objective of the p ...
Bioregenerative life support systems (BLSS) are vital for long-duration and remote space missions to increase mission sustainability. These systems break down human waste materials into nutrients and CO2 for plants and other edible organisms, which in turn provide food, fresh wat ...


1 records found

Building on Mars

Construction of a Radiation Shielding Martian Habitat with In-Situ Materials via Suitable Construction Methodologies

Throughout the time humans have always looked up to starry skies and wondered about travelling to the stars. With the current developments in the aerospace field, travelling to neighboring planets have never been more possible. On the top of the agendas of numerous organizations ...