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A. Polo
Academic Work (14)
Conference paper (3)
Doctoral thesis (1)
Journal article (10)
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14 records found
Adaptive Optics for EUV Lithography. Phase Retrieval for Wavefront Metrology
Doctoral thesis (2014) -
A. Polo (author)
Wavefront reconstruction using intensity measurements for real-time adaptive optics
Conference paper (2014) -
Joao Silva (author)
João Silva (author)
Elisabeth Brunner (author)
A.E. Brunner (author)
A. Polo (author)
C. C. De Visser (author)
C. C. de Visser (author)
Coen C. de Visser (author)
Coen De Visser (author)
CC de Visser (author)
Coen de Visser (author)
C.C. De Visser (author)
Coen C. De Visser (author)
C.C. de Visser (author)
CC De Visser (author)
M.H.G. Verhaegen (author)
M Verhaegen (author)
Michel Verhaegen (author)
Iterative learning control of a membrane deformable mirror for optimal wavefront correction
Journal article (2013) -
A. Haber (author)
A. Polo (author)
CA Smith (author)
SF Pereira (author)
S. F. Pereira (author)
S.F. Pereira (author)
HP Urbach (author)
H.P. Urbach (author)
Paul Urbach (author)
H. P. Urbach (author)
H. Paul Urbach (author)
M.H.G. Verhaegen (author)
M Verhaegen (author)
Michel Verhaegen (author)
Theoretical analysis for best defocus measurement plane for robust phase retrieval.
Journal article (2013) -
A. Polo (author)
S. F. Pereira (author)
SF Pereira (author)
S.F. Pereira (author)
H. Paul Urbach (author)
Paul Urbach (author)
H. P. Urbach (author)
H.P. Urbach (author)
HP Urbach (author)
Predictive control of thermally inducted wavefront aberrations
Journal article (2013) -
A. Haber (author)
A. Polo (author)
I. Maj (author)
SF Pereira (author)
S.F. Pereira (author)
S. F. Pereira (author)
H. P. Urbach (author)
H. Paul Urbach (author)
HP Urbach (author)
Paul Urbach (author)
H.P. Urbach (author)
M Verhaegen (author)
Michel Verhaegen (author)
M.H.G. Verhaegen (author)
Identification of a dynamical model of a thermally actuated deformable mirror
Journal article (2013) -
A. Haber (author)
A. Polo (author)
H. P. Urbach (author)
HP Urbach (author)
Paul Urbach (author)
H. Paul Urbach (author)
H.P. Urbach (author)
Michel Verhaegen (author)
M Verhaegen (author)
M.H.G. Verhaegen (author)
S Ravensbergen (author)
Linear phase retrieval for real-time adaptive optics
Journal article (2013) -
A. Polo (author)
A. Haber (author)
S.F. Pereira (author)
SF Pereira (author)
S. F. Pereira (author)
M Verhaegen (author)
M.H.G. Verhaegen (author)
Michel Verhaegen (author)
H. P. Urbach (author)
H.P. Urbach (author)
Paul Urbach (author)
HP Urbach (author)
H. Paul Urbach (author)
Robustness analysis of non-linear phase retrieval from single intensity measurement
Journal article (2013) -
A. Polo (author)
S. F. Pereira (author)
SF Pereira (author)
S.F. Pereira (author)
H. Paul Urbach (author)
Paul Urbach (author)
H. P. Urbach (author)
H.P. Urbach (author)
HP Urbach (author)
Subaperture phase reconstruction from a Hartmann wavefront sensor by phase retrieval method for application in EUV adaptive optics
Conference paper (2012) -
A. Polo (author)
N van Marrewijk (author)
SF Pereira (author)
S. F. Pereira (author)
S.F. Pereira (author)
HP Urbach (author)
H. P. Urbach (author)
H. Paul Urbach (author)
Paul Urbach (author)
H.P. Urbach (author)
Determination of wavefront structure for a Hartmann Wavefront Sensor using a phase-retrieval method
Journal article (2012) -
A. Polo (author)
V Kutchoukov (author)
F. Bociort (author)
An innovative and efficient method to control the shape of push-pull membrance deformable mirror
Journal article (2012) -
A. Polo (author)
A. Haber (author)
S.F. Pereira (author)
SF Pereira (author)
S. F. Pereira (author)
M Verhaegen (author)
M.H.G. Verhaegen (author)
Michel Verhaegen (author)
H. P. Urbach (author)
H.P. Urbach (author)
Paul Urbach (author)
HP Urbach (author)
H. Paul Urbach (author)
Terahertz wavefronts measured using the Hartmann sensor principle
Journal article (2012) -
M. Cui (author)
J.N. Hovenier (author)
Y. Ren (author)
A. Polo (author)
J.R. Gao (author)
J. R. Gao (author)
Jian Rong Gao (author)
Wavefront Measurement for EUV Lithography System through Hartmann Sensor
Journal article (2011) -
A. Polo (author)
F. Bociort (author)
S. F. Pereira (author)
S.F. Pereira (author)
SF Pereira (author)
H.P. Urbach (author)
H. P. Urbach (author)
HP Urbach (author)
Paul Urbach (author)
H. Paul Urbach (author)
Non-interferometric wavefront sensing technique for EUV Lithography system
Conference paper (2010) -
A. Polo (author)
F. Bociort (author)
S. F. Pereira (author)
S.F. Pereira (author)
SF Pereira (author)
H.P. Urbach (author)
H. P. Urbach (author)
HP Urbach (author)
Paul Urbach (author)
H. Paul Urbach (author)