
5 records found


Brash ice channels are frequently created during ship navigation. To improve the understanding of the brash ice channel development experimental tests have been conducted. The tests were performed by repeated passage of a model ship in a ship channel. Channel profile measurements ...
Ice encroachment is the accumulation of ice atop a platform and results when ice drifts against a platform. Most often this occurs in shallow water but in principle can occur in deep water if the ice drift length is long enough. As the ice drifts against the platform it is broken ...

Arctic environmental parameters form the basis for the design and operation of ships and offshore platforms, and as the understanding of climate change evolves this knowledge needs to be reflected in the processes and methods that developing the environmental design basis. Thi ...

Accumulations of broken ice can pose challenges for ice engineering applications, such as rubble accumulations around offshore structures and brash ice in ports. It is thus important to understand the properties to enable reliable assessments of the impact they might have on f ...

Low temperatures can have a significant impact on the design and construction of marine and offshore structures as the performance and functions can be severely reduced. Compliance with relevant rules and regulations forms a prerequisite along with the specific design consider ...