K. Baumgarten


8 records found

Mechanics of marginal solids

Length, strain, and time scales

Network materials, foams, and emulsions are ubiquitous in our daily life. We have a good intuition about how they respond as we handle them, but our theoretical understanding is poor. One of their most interesting features is that they are unusually fragile and appear to switch ...
We present an approach to understand geometric-incompatibility–induced rigidity in underconstrained materials, including subisostatic 2D spring networks and 2D and 3D vertex models for dense biological tissues. We show that in all these models a geometric criterion, represented b ...
When weakly jammed packings of soft, viscous, non-Brownian spheres are probed mechanically, they respond with a complex admixture of elastic and viscous effects. While many of these effects are understood for specific, approximate models of the particles' interactions, there are ...
When elastic solids are sheared, a nonlinear effect named after Poynting gives rise to normal stresses or changes in volume. We provide a novel relation between the Poynting effect and the microscopic Grüneisen parameter, which quantifies how stretching shifts vibrational modes. ...
We use simulations of frictionless soft sphere packings to identify novel constitutive relations for linear elasticity near the jamming transition. By forcing packings at varying wavelengths, we directly access their transverse and longitudinal compliances. These are found to be ...
We determine how low frequency vibrational modes control the elastic shear modulus of Mikado networks, a minimal mechanical model for semi-flexible fiber networks. From prior work it is known that when the fiber bending modulus is sufficiently small, (i) the shear modulus of 2D M ...
Aqueous foams are an important model system that displays coarsening dynamics. Coarsening in dispersions and foams is well understood in the dilute and dry limits, where the gas fraction tends to zero and one, respectively. However, foams are known to undergo a jamming transition ...
In many soft matter systems with a network structure, the mean connectivity plays a key role in determining the mechanical response. In the typical scenario for central force networks, there is a critical connectivity (the isostatic point) above which the system can withstand she ...