
Victor van der Hulst


2 records found

Blockchain or no blockchain? That is the question

Blockstart: a cross case analysis of 17 blockchain feasibility studies

Blockchain is a new promising technology for SMEs. This paper analyses 17 blockchain feasibility studies in order to answer the question, in which cases blockchain creates value for individual companies and how does it create this value. The research is conducted by Windesheim ...
Blockchain’s potential to revolutionize supply chain and logistics with transparency and equitable stakeholder engagement is significant. However, challenges like scalability, privacy, and interoperability persist. This study explores the scarcity of real-world blockchain impleme ...


1 records found

Blockchain consortia uphold value-addition through collaboration between organizations, by exploring, prototyping and innovating together. Blockchain technology presented itself as a new solution to the sharing of data proofs since 2008, with certain components such as smart cont ...