
C.H.E. van Ees


20 records found

The line between existing and new

The adoption of material reuse as a design strategy for the transormation of a rear side of the urban block to a new pedestrian front

The main research in question regards what is Bricolage in architecture. This topic is strikingly valuable to contemporary demand, given the fact that there is a considerable amount of buildings and building elements that do not carry a value that is strong enough to be considere ...

Cultural Reform

Rethinking Cultural Manifestation in the Urban Environment

Across a period of multiple crises and a structurally instable government, amongst other things, there has been a strong national decline in cultural activity, production, and presence in the city of Beirut. With this, national identity is faltering, and citizens begin to give up ...

A Moveable Feast in Semarang

Designing an Urban Vending Network by Creating Conditions and Opportunities in Order to Facilitate and Manage Street Vending Activities

Semarang is one of the biggest cities in Indonesia under the process of urbanisation, which threatens the underdeveloped capacity of the city. Street vendors booming is an evident phenomenon of urbanisation, it is a new way of urban living to survive in the urban capitalist growt ...

Redevelopment of Industrial Heritage

Transformation of the Landbouwbelang Building in Maastricht

The Landbouwbelang Building in Maastricht is located on the western banks of the river Maas. As an important part of the cultural heritage of Maastricht, this building shows the historical relation between the city and the river it is named after. The old warehouse has large indu ...

In Completed

On - going open-ended designed places in Den Helder

The urban spaces that arise as a result of urban shrinkage and decay are loosely defined (Franck & Stevens, 2007). The ambiguity of these spaces provides a potential outlet for accidental or spontaneous encounters, informal activities and alternatives to our increasingly commodif ...

Rethinking Urban Domestic Gardens

Aligning Urban Domestic Gardens to concrete urban demands

Aligning the urban environment to concrete urban processes, increasing the liveability, is one of the major challenges urban planners are facing. Adapting the built-environment to cope with soil sealing, climate change, the densification of cities with the ‘compact city’ concept ...

Infrastructure, perimeters, rooms

A sport hall in Anderlecht

The project developed as a continuous effort to define the idea of spolia. A term that surpasses the re-appropriation of material becoming an active approach to architecture becoming an attitude towards the city and the landscape in the consciousness that a deep relation is est ...

London Derelicts

Hybrid Encounters in the Interstitial Spaces Through Exploration of Urban Contemporary Leisure

This graduation research studies the potentials of London derelicts and the interstitial spaces as the new driver of urban transformation. The study aims to reconnect the lost socio-spatial relationship of those spaces to the surrounding context. Here, leisure is utilized as the ...

Kampung Kali

Improving informal settlement living condition along Semarang River by regenerating ecosystem services in urban landscape

Like many other coastal cities, Semarang is facing many interconnected water-related issues that are exacerbated by climate change and rapid urbanization. Riverside kampungs, as the product of unregulated urbanization, are usually blamed for the water pollution and are regarded a ...

Living with the waste

Creating a better life image by constructing decentralized waste management in Kampung Kranggan, Semarang

Waste has always been with humans, and its amount will increase drastically, along with rapid urbanization and globalization. Improperly treated waste causes problems such as water pollution and disease, impedes living quality. Developing countries suffer more because of their hy ...


Strategy of healthy green future for Rotterdam Zuid

The project seeks a strategic planning of integrating urban agriculture into part of the green infrastructure for Rotterdam Zuid, which hopes to open up the possibilities of urban agriculture to inspire people like planners, decision makers and residents. The proposal based on th ...

Navigating the hybrid realm

Exploring architectural innovation through hybrid design concepts for hybrid education

With the advent of hybrid education since the COVID-19 pandemic, the demand for campuses and educational buildings has undergone a transformation. The introduction of hybrid education has led to classrooms being more readily vacated than before, as students now have the option to ...

Oasis For Vitality

Centre of aspiration for the recovering

The goal of this thesis is to propose an architectural framework for designing a rehabilitation facility in Berlin to provide patients in need with the greatest possible recovery experience. It also provides much-needed follow-up treatment for Berliner patients following acute ho ...

CommuVersity: A community for learning

A Vertical Campus in the 21st Century

The Commuversity serves a dual purpose as both a public space and a campus, blending seamlessly into the urban fabric of The Hague. My graduation design aims to create a vertical campus for the 21st century, serving as a vessel for a learning community to form while extending the ...

CommuVersity: A community for learning

A Vertical Campus in the 21st Century

The Commuversity serves a dual purpose as both a public space and a campus, blending seamlessly into the urban fabric of The Hague. My graduation design aims to create a vertical campus for the 21st century, serving as a vessel for a learning community to form while extending the ...

Campus of Wellbeing

The Biophilic Knowledge Hub

The assignment of this graduation project was to design “The Vertical Campus: A Public Hub of the Future in The Hague”, a mixed-used building that contains public, university and (governmental) office spaces of about 30.000 m2. My problem statement addressed the issues of well-b ...

Campus of Wellbeing

The Biophilic Knowledge Hub

The assignment of this graduation project was to design “The Vertical Campus: A Public Hub of the Future in The Hague”, a mixed-used building that contains public, university and (governmental) office spaces of about 30.000 m2. My problem statement addressed the issues of well-b ...


An innovative aviation infrastructure in a city centre

Berlin, as a metropolitan city in Europe, is linked with diverse ground transportation within the city. To promote the concept of UAM (Urban Air Mobility)/AAM (Advanced Air Mobility), the introduction of vertiport design as an innovative and sustainable heliport drives the transp ...


An innovative aviation infrastructure in a city centre

Berlin, as a metropolitan city in Europe, is linked with diverse ground transportation within the city. To promote the concept of UAM (Urban Air Mobility)/AAM (Advanced Air Mobility), the introduction of vertiport design as an innovative and sustainable heliport drives the transp ...
Exploration on the peri-urban transition zone between Trieste and its hinterland Karst through housing, recreation and transportation infrastructure. The design proposal consists of system of small interventions that take into account the land management problems of the peri-urba ...