F. Hu

5 records found

Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) missions with short repeat times enable opportunities for near real-time deformation monitoring. Traditional multitemporal interferometric SAR (MT-InSAR) is able to monitor long-term and periodic deformation with high precision by time-series analys ...
Atmospheric delay has a profound impact on synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometry, inducing a spatial signal that significantly devaluates interferometric products. While the wide-scale variability of the atmosphere can be adequately modeled with global or regional weather ...
Atmospheric delay induces spatial phase errors and decorrelation in synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometry, especially in extreme weather conditions. For SAR missions, the atmosphere is considered to be spatio-temporally frozen during the aperture integration time, which i ...
Multi-temporal interferometric synthetic apertureradar (MT-InSAR) is used for many applications in earthobservation. Most MT-InSAR methods select scatterers with highcoherence throughout the entire time series. However, as timeseries lengthen, inevit ...
Multi-temporal interferometric synthetic aperture radar (MT-InSAR) can be applied to monitor the structural health of infrastructure such as railways, bridges, and highways. However, for the successful interpretation of the observed deformation within a structure, or between stru ...