Bart Dries

37 records found


Map projections

Exploring and analysing different types of distortions caused by map projections

Maps, which have been in used for centuries, are constructed by map projections. A map projection is a transformation of the latitudes and longitudes positions on the globe to the x and y coordinates on a flat map. There are probably over a hundred of different map projections, s ...
This report investigates a scheduling problem where task duration is uncertain. The duration per task has a lower and upper bound, and is dependent on observed duration of other tasks. This tries to closer model real life. We reduce all possible different outcomes to a few extrem ...
The rotational velocities of stars in galaxies indicate that either Newtonian gravity breaks down on this scale, or that there is extra mass in the universe that has not been observed. The former is known as Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND), whereas the latter option is known a ...
Each violin generates a unique sound with a distinct set of acoustic properties. In particular, the Stradivarius violins are said to have a very unique sound. The ultimate goal of this thesis is to aid in recreating the unique sound of the Stradivarius. Though, the field of resea ...

Gene Networks

The Influence of Interaction on the Dynamics of Gene Networks

It might surprise you that networks play a role in biology, but networks are ubiquitous. All living things have DNA within their cells. This DNA contains the building blocks of an organism. The process of creating such a building block requires mRNA and proteins. The concentratio ...

The robustness of Bayesian networks

Robustheid van Bayesiaanse netwerken

Applying multiple structure learning algorithms like hill-climbing, incremental association and grow-shrink, to investigate their robustness, predictive capabiliy and goodness of fit on multiple discrete Bayesian networks and Gaussian Bayesian networks.

DNA Data Storage using Hamming and Reed-Solomon Codes

DNA Data Opslag met Hamming en Reed-Solomon Codes

Nowadays, enormous amounts of data are produced on a daily basis. Whether it is a cute family
picture, a funny cat video, or a scientic paper, all of the data is stored. The challenge in data
storage nowadays is about nding a way to store a lot of data, in such a way that ...

Nurse Rostering

Determination of a target for weekly working hours given different skills

In this thesis we investigate an extension of the famous Nurse Rostering Problem. The Nurse Rostering Problem is the problem of finding an optimal assignment of nurses to shifts given some constraints. We extend the problem by considering that the nurses different sets of skills ...
In dit onderzoek is een Monte Carlo algoritme beschreven voor het schatten van de dominante eigenwaarde en bijbehorende eigenvector van een niet-negatieve, irreducibele matrix. Naast de werking van het Monte Carlo algoritme is ook de convergentiesnelheid onderzocht. Tevens zijn e ...

In [8] Kwapien proved that every mean zero function f ∈ L∞[0, 1] we can
write as f = g ◦ T − g for some g ∈ L∞[0, 1] and some measure preserving
transformation T of [0, 1]. However, as was discovered in [4] there is a gap
in the proof for the c ...

Cancer is a disease that one of every three people will get in The Netherlands. One of the treatment methods for this disease is radiotherapy. Approximately half of all cancer patients will get radiotherapy at some point of their treatment. During radiotherapy cancer cells are de ...

Uncertainty analysis in determining the position of a drill bit

Het bepalen van de onzekerheden bij het bepalen van de positie van een boorkop

In well-bore engineering, oil-well boreholes are made using specialized drilling rigs. The position of the drill bit needs to be indirectly determined through accelero- and magnetometer measurements. To this end, the measurement data is first converted into a survey of direction ...
Melvin Dresher beschouwde in zijn boek uit 1961 over speltheorie een getallenraadspel over N getallen. Hij liet zien hoe de optimale strategieën van beide spelers kon worden gevonden met behulp van lineair programmeren. Later toonde Selmer Johnson oplossingen voor N<=11 en mer ...
Over the past three decades, the singular value decomposition has been increasingly used for various big data applications. As it allows for rank reduction of the input data matrix, it is not only able to compress the information contained, but can even reveal underlying patterns ...
This research presents a data-driven model for the magnetic signature of an object, consisting of linearly reacting isotropicmaterial. From magnetostatics mathematical-physical model is derived for the linear behaviour of the induced magnetization. Data-driven updates for the per ...
Schur multipliers are a concept from functional analysis that have various uses in mathematics. In this thesis we provide an introduction of the aforementioned Schur multipliers and the associated Schatten p-classes. We prove a number of results and introduce some concepts of fun ...


Computationally Feasible Approximate Bagging with Neural Networks

Overfitting is a common problem when learning models from noisy observational data. This problem is especially present in very flexible models, such as Neural Networks, which can easily fit to spurious patterns in the data that are not indicative of true underlying patterns. One ...

Powerfactorverbetering in elektrische netwerken

Pf - verbetering onder niet sinus-vormige omstandigheden

Een BacheloreindProject over het verbeteren van de powerfactor in elektrische netwerken. Door een groter aantal frequenties in de spanning óf door bepaalde componenten in de belasting is er een compenserend gedeelte in het netwerk nodig en / of mogelijk. Met welke schakelingen, c ...
This report is a discussion of the 1984 report 'An automatic proof procedure for several geometries' by Th. Bruyn and H.L. Claasen, inspired by a personal desire to understand the work of Th. Bruyn. See:
The NV-center in diamond is a promising system for quantum information processing. The typical qubits are the electron spin in the NV-center and the surrounding 13C nuclear spins. Fast and precise control of many 13C spins is desirable but challenging due to crosstalk. Crosstalk ...