Krzysztof Postek

15 records found


Optimization models used to make discrete decisions often contain uncertain parameters that are context-dependent and estimated through prediction. To account for the quality of the decision made based on the prediction, decision-focused learning (end-to-end predict-then-optimize ...
Real-life parallel machine scheduling problems can be characterized by: (i) limited information about the exact task duration at the scheduling time, and (ii) an opportunity to reschedule the remaining tasks each time a task processing is completed and a machine becomes idle. Rob ...
Non-convex discrete-time optimal control problems in, e.g., water or power systems, typically involve a large number of variables related through nonlinear equality constraints. The ideal goal is to find a globally optimal solution, and numerical experience indicates that algorit ...


Pre-Releasing Strategies for Same-Day Home Delivery

Comparing Heuristics for Partially Dynamic Vehicle Routing with Stochastic Customers

This thesis investigates the optimization of Same-Day Delivery (SDD) in the context of a Dynamic and Stochastic Vehicle Routing Problem with Time-Windows (DSVRPTW). A central focus is the concept of pre-releasing; the process of assigning an order to a specific route and preparin ...
This report investigates a scheduling problem where task duration is uncertain. The duration per task has a lower and upper bound, and is dependent on observed duration of other tasks. This tries to closer model real life. We reduce all possible different outcomes to a few extrem ...

Robust OCTs

Investigating classification tree robustness

The application of machine learning in daily life requires interpretability and robustness. In this paper we try to make the process of building robust and interpretable decision trees more accessible. We do this by making the fitting of these models cheaper and simpler. We build ...

Threshold tuning of transaction monitoring models

A risk-based approach to combat money laundering

Money laundering is an increasing problem for the global economy. To combat money laundering, banks use transaction monitoring models with particular thresholds to detect unusual transaction behaviour. However, it is a challenge to determine and evaluate the suitability of a thre ...

Robust Tail Assignment

Incorporating Delay Predictions into a Tail Assignment Model to Decrease Flight Operation Costs

In this thesis a novel model is proposed to solve the Robust Tail Assignment problem. The Robust Tail Assignment problem aims to assign aircraft to flights, while minimize expected costs of operating a flight schedule, including expected delay costs. This problem is difficult, be ...

Optimize the indescribable

A Look at the Unification between Machine Learning and Optimization

Packages to encode Machine Learned models into optimization problems is an underdeveloped area, despite the advantages is could provide. The main draw of implementing Machine Learned models into optimization models, is that it allows the optimizer to better account for the human ...
A fundamental tool in radiotherapy treatment planning is the dose calculation algorithm, which models the dose that will be distributed for given beam parameters and patient geometry. Various available algorithms include Monte Carlo simulations (MC) and pencil beam algorithms (PB ...
In this research the effectiveness of analytical neural networks compared to the maximum likelihood method on the prediction of spatial and DOI positioning of a Gamma detector with a NaI(Tl) scintillator of size 590mm x 470mm x 40mm (x,y,z), with a glass lightguide of size 620m ...
Supply planning is an NP-Hard problem that is often tackled when dealing with supply chain management. It is a problem with many variations but the core idea is to create a plan that resolves as much demand as possible.
There are different approaches in use to solve a plannin ...

Optimal here and now decisions of multi stage robust optimisation

Optimale hier en nu beslissingen in multi stadia robuuste optimalisatie

Robust optimisation is shown to be extremely important in a wide range of applications including real life. Many research projects are dedicated to this relatively young and active research field and show the significant value of robust optimisation. Since many researchers have d ...

Optimal placement of green, blue and yellow roofs under uncertainty

Maximizing the societal benefits for a municipality

Climate change challenges the resiliency of our cities, and lack of spaces in densely paved areas makes it impossible to implement adaptation and mitigation strategies on the street level. However, buildings have often unused roofs, which can be converted into sustainable roofing ...
The field of robust optimization deals with problems where uncertainty influences the optimal decision. Some of these problems can be formulated in a ‘two-stage’ formulation, such as the location transportation problem. To solve such a problem, a column-and-constraint-generation ...