Sabine Preuß


5 records found

Slashing the surplus

How prosumers with smart metering respond to regulatory restrictions on self-consumption in Croatia

Smart metering and home energy management systems (HEMS) support households with roof-top photovoltaic (PV) to optimize self-consumption. These HEMS can convey subtle guidance for consumption shifts that address intuitive consumption routines. However, the efficacy of the guidanc ...
Prosumers with photovoltaic systems can reduce their electricity expenses by increasing their consumption of self-generated electricity. This makes them more resilient to price shocks, like the 2022 European energy crisis. We evaluate how prosumers adapt their consumption behavio ...
Households equipped with flexible technologies, such as electric vehicles, can support the energy transition by shifting electricity consumption to times of high renewable supply and by preventing consumption peaks that cannot be covered by existing grid and generation infrastruc ...
Aligning prosumers' electricity consumption to the availability of self-generated electricity decreases CO2 emissions and costs. Nudges are proposed as one behavioral intervention to orchestrate such changes. At the same time, fragmented findings in the literature make it challen ...
Aligning prosumers' electricity consumption to the availability of self-generated electricity decreases CO2 emissions and costs. Nudges are proposed as one behavioral intervention to orchestrate such changes. At the same time, fragmented findings in the literature make it challen ...