Junpeng Wang

6 records found


Aligning lattice infills with the principal stress directions in loaded objects is crucial for improving stiffness. However, this principle only works for a single loading condition, where the stress field in 2D is described by two orthogonal principal stress directions. In this ...
We present a novel dehomogenization approach for the efficient design of high-resolution load-bearing structures. The proposed approach builds upon a streamline-based parametrization of the design domain, using a set of space-filling and evenly spaced streamlines in the two mutua ...


The 3D trajectory-based stress visualizer

In this paper, we present novel algorithms for visualizing the three mutually orthogonal principal stress directions in 3D solids under load and we discuss the efficient integration of these algorithms into the 3D Trajectory-based Stress Visualizer (3D-TSV), a visual analysis too ...

Density-based topology optimization using global and local volume constraints is a key technique to automatically design lightweight structures. It is known that stiffness optimal structures comprise spatially varying geometric patterns that span multiple length scales. Howeve ...

The optimization of porous infill structures via local volume constraints has become a popular approach in topology optimization. In some design settings, however, the iterative optimization process converges only slowly, or not at all even after several hundreds or thousands ...

We present a visualization technique for 2D stress tensor fields based on the construction of a globally conforming lattice. Conformity ensures that the lattice edges follow the principal stress directions and the aspect ratio of lattice elements represents the stress anisotro ...