J.T. Zeiler
2 records found
Neolithic Human Diet Based on Studies of Coprolites from the Swifterbant Culture Sites, the Netherlands
Micro-CT scanning analysis
In recent years, several researchers have illustrated the potential of X-ray micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) in the study of archaeological soils and artefacts. Hunt et al., Huisman et al., Wang et al., Qvarnström et al., and Shillito et al. have already foreseen and even de
Neolithic Human Diet Based on Studies of Coprolites from the Swifterbant Culture Sites, the Netherlands
Synthesis - Human versus community diet
The aim of this final chapter is to integrate the results obtained from the multi-disciplinary study applied to a series of coprolites from the Late Mesolithic and Early Neolithic Swifterbant Culture sites, to determine their role as a source of information about the prehistoric