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293 records found


At home in the oasis

Middle-class newcomers’ affiliation to their deprived Rotterdam neighbourhood

One of the arguments for ‘social mix’ urban renewal in low-income neighbourhoods is that the presence of middle-class residents would improve life chances for lower-income groups. However, according to various researchers, middle-class newcomers have little social interaction wit ...

Menging maakt verschil

Hoe bewoners buurt- en wijkverandering ervaren en waarderen ondanks en dankzij herstructurering

Social mix, a mixed population according to income and ethnicity, has been an important paradigm in urban development and housing and became the corner stone of renewal in post-war areas in the Netherlands in recent decades. In public as in academic debate, however, this concept ...
The changing composition of the population affects the appreciation and reputation of neighbourhoods. Instudies about social mix and state-led gentrification the focus is often on the effects for the residents and theneighbourhood of the changes caused by the new built dwellings ...

Geen legitimatie zonder huurdersorganisaties

De zoektocht naar vergroting van legitimatie van woningcoporaties

'Gemengde wijken'

Verlopen ideaal?


Social Monumentality

Thinking by Being

Design studio: a vacant church building burns down in Heijplaat. An ignition of reactions, emotions and processes are the start of a posed solution for the ruins and outhouse that are left. The possible interventions on this specific site are a possibility to restore a (former) s ...

Bewonersparticipatie in de Rotterdamse focuswijken

Een onderzoek naar de inhoud en vormgeving van bewonersparticipatie in de Rotterdamse focuswijken

Aanleiding voor dit onderzoek was een tegenstrijd welke aanwezig is bij de overheid als het gaat om bewonersparticipatie. Met de komst van de woonvisie in Rotterdam, heeft de gemeente Rotterdam namelijk al een aantal beslissingen genomen ten aanzien van de leefomgeving van bewone ...

The food producing city of tomorrow

Food production versus city living

I did my graduation project at the master track Dutch Dwelling, Architecture. The studio describes the graduation assignment as following: “The task in the Dutch Housing Graduation Studio is to design a housing project that fits in a scenario of your own making for the future of ...

Analysing refugee camp management from a network perspective

How network management can enhance the transition of refugee camp Za'atari

The aim of this thesis is to identify the obstacles for the transition of refugee camps and to identify whether network management can be a way to deal with this. The combiniation of the long-term existence of refugee camps, its negative impact on individuals, the inevitable urba ...

Papers Discussiedagen Sociale Huisvesting 2018

Sociale huisvesting: Goed op koers, of niet?

Dit jaar, 2018, organiseerden we voor het vierde achtereenvolgende jaar de Discussiedagen Sociale Huisvesting, nu in samenwerking tussen het initiatief ‘Vooruit naar de kern’, Platform31 en OTB – onderzoek voor de gebouwde omgeving van de faculteit Bouwkunde, TU Delft. Drie them ...
Design for adaptive reuse of the Maassilo in Rotterdam within the graduation studio of Heritage and Architecture. This design focusses on creating physical and social connections with an integrated sustainable design.

The Social Educational Tangle

A human dimension for Lisbon's industrial warehouses

The main research question for this design was: How can the human dimension be introduced in a former industrial warehouse, making the warehouse and it’s urban surroundings more suitable for residing for longer periods? The human dimension in this project was incorporated into th ...
This master thesis is part of the graduation studio named ‘Disclosing the Military City Lisbon’ as part of the chair Heritage and Architecture at the TU Delft. The studio assignment and project is initiated in collaboration with DOCOMOMO (International committee for documentation ...

The Urban Foyer

A cultural connector

The Manutenção Militar Complex (MMC) was an industrial facility that produced food, uniforms and other goods for the Portuguese Army. The first bakery was accommodated in a former Convent – Convento das Grilas – by the end of the 19th Century. During the 20th Century, due to the ...

Google Europe Campus

A working - living innovation district

This is a complex project focused on combing a working and living environment for the employees of a tech company located in Amsterdam at the former Apple Market. The design redevelops an existing, underutilized parking garage and the adjacent waterfront to create an innovation d ...
After a period of suburbanization, the city of Amsterdam is growing in popularity among families. The city, however, doesn't respond to this trend. Most families living in Amsterdam are unhappy with their living situation. As a result, a lot of families are moving out of the city ...
The MMC was an industrial facility that produced food, uniforms and other goods for the Portuguese Army. During the twentieth century the complex was expanded. Whilst the Portuguese Army reached 200.000 men in the 1960’s, it is now reduced to 20.000 active soldiers. Gradually the ...

Papers Discussiedagen Sociale Huisvesting 2016

23/24 september 2016 Zonheuvel Doorn

Paperbundel Discussiedagen Sociale Huisvesting 2016 @en