F.H.J. Redig
46 records found
We study the stationary fluctuations of independent run-and-tumble particles. We prove that the joint densities of particles with given internal state converges to an infinite dimensional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. We also consider an interacting case, where the particles are su
We study the density fluctuations at equilibrium of the multi-species stirring process, a natural multi-type generalization of the symmetric (partial) exclusion process. In the diffusive scaling limit, the resulting process is a system of infinite-dimensional Ornstein–Uhlenbeck p
We consider a class of multi-layer interacting particle systems and characterize the set of ergodic probability measures with finite moments. The main technical tool is duality combined with successful coupling.@en
For a general class of lattice spin systems, we prove that an abstract Gaussian concentration bound implies positivity of the lower relative entropy density. As a consequence, we obtain uniqueness of translation-invariant Gibbs measures from the Gaussian concentration bound in th
Switching Interacting Particle Systems
Scaling Limits, Uphill Diffusion and Boundary Layer
This paper considers three classes of interacting particle systems on Z: independent random walks, the exclusion process, and the inclusion process. Particles are allowed to switch their jump rate (the rate identifies the type of particle) between 1 (fast particles) and ϵ∈ [0 , 1
We consider consistent particle systems, which include independent random walkers, the symmetric exclusion and inclusion processes, as well as the dual of the Kipnis-Marchioro-Presutti model. Consistent systems are such that the distribution obtained by first evolving n particles
Run-and-Tumble Motion
The Role of Reversibility
We study a model of active particles that perform a simple random walk and on top of that have a preferred direction determined by an internal state which is modelled by a stationary Markov process. First we calculate the limiting diffusion coefficient. Then we show that the ‘act
Inspired by the works in [2] and [11] we introduce what we call k-th-order fluctuation fields and study their scaling limits. This construction is done in the context of particle systems with the property of orthogonal self-duality. This type of duality provides us with a setting
We study the loss, recovery, and preservation of differentiability of time-dependent large deviation rate functions. This study is motivated by mean-field Gibbs-non-Gibbs transitions. The gradient of the rate-function evolves according to a Hamiltonian flow. This Hamiltonian flow
We study the symmetric inclusion process (SIP) in the condensation regime. We obtain an explicit scaling for the variance of the density field in this regime, when initially started from a homogeneous product measure. This provides relevant new information on the coarsening dynam
In this paper, we introduce a random environment for the exclusion process in Zd obtained by assigning a maximal occupancy to each site. This maximal occupancy is allowed to randomly vary among sites, and partial exclusion occurs. Under the assumption of ergodicity und
We consider two particles performing continuous-time nearest neighbor random walk on Z and interacting with each other when they are at neighboring positions. The interaction is either repulsive (partial exclusion process) or attractive (inclusion process). We provide an exact fo
We consider the symmetric simple exclusion process in Zd with quenched bounded dynamic random conductances and prove its hydrodynamic limit in path space. The main tool is the connection, due to the self-duality of the process, between the invariance principle for sing
We consider equilibrium states (that is, shift-invariant Gibbs measures) on the configuration space SZd where d≥ 1 and S is a finite set. We prove that if an equilibrium state for a shift-invariant uniformly summable potential satisfies a Gaussian concentration bound, then it is
We study self-duality for interacting particle systems, where the particles move as continuous time random walkers having either exclusion interaction or inclusion interaction. We show that orthogonal self-dualities arise from unitary symmetries of the Markov generator. For these
We consider the symmetric exclusion process on suitable random grids that approximate a compact Riemannian manifold. We prove that a class of random walks on these random grids converge to Brownian motion on the manifold. We then consider the empirical density field of the symmet
We generalize classical large deviation theorems to the setting of complete, smooth Riemannian manifolds. We prove the analogue of Mogulskii's theorem for geodesic random walks via a general approach using viscosity solutions for Hamilton–Jacobi equations. As a corollary, we also
We start from the observation that, anytime two Markov generators share an eigenvalue, the function constructed from the product of the two eigenfunctions associated to this common eigenvalue is a duality function. We push further this observation and provide a full characterizat
We find all self-duality functions of the form (Formula presented.)for a class of interacting particle systems. We call these duality functions of simple factorized form. The functions we recover are self-duality functions for interacting particle systems such as zero-range proce
We study fluctuation fields of orthogonal polynomials in the context of particle systems with duality. We thereby obtain a systematic orthogonal decomposition of the fluctuation fields of local functions, where the order of every term can be quantified. This implies a quantitativ