M. Blaauboer


2 records found

We theoretically investigate the enhancement of the charging power in a Dicke quantum battery which consists of an array of N two-level systems (TLS)coupled to a single mode of cavity photons. In the limit of small N, we analytically solve the time evolution for the full charging ...
We propose an implementation of a quantum router for microwave photons in a superconducting qubit architecture consisting of a transmon qubit, SQUIDs and a nonlinear capacitor. We model and analyze the dynamics of operation of the quantum switch using quantum Langevin equations i ...


18 records found

Relating Modified Newtonian Dynamics to Dark matter

Application to a Virgo-like Galaxy cluster

In this thesis Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) is explored in galaxy clusters similar to the Virgo cluster. MOND is a theory proposed to explain the flat rotation curves of galaxies and the velocities of galaxies within galaxy clusters, as an alternative to the Dark Matter (DM ...

Quantum Error Correction

Decoders for the Toric Code

Quantum error correction is needed for future quantum computers. Classical error correcting codes are not suitable for this due to the nature of quantum mechanics. Therefore, new codes need to be developed. A promising candidate is the toric code, a surface code, because of its l ...
Topos theory and quantum mechanics are both known for having a logic that is different from ordinary logic. With this in mind, much work has been done on unifying these two fields. Loveridge, Dridi and Raussendorf apply this unification to measurement-based quantum computation [1 ...
Report about how Matrix Product States can be used to analyze a sub set of problems in quantum mechanics. A exact derivation is given of the Ising Model in a Transverse field and with these solutions the TEBD algorithm using Matrix Product states is validated.
In this project, quantum cloning machines are analyzed that take in N quantum systems in the same unknown pure state and output M quantum systems with M > N, such that the output best resembles the ideal, but impossible output of an M-fold tensor product of the pure input state. ...
In this work, we first analyse a theoretical technique based on entropic inequalities, which in principle can be used to compare classical and quantum algorithms running on noisy quantum devices. The technique has been used in the past for depolarizing noise, and has shown that f ...
The distribution of multiple entangled pairs plays a vital role in various applications, such as quantum metrology, blind quantum computing, quantum key distribution, and quantum teleportation. While qubit-based protocols exist, they are often limited by short coherence times in ...
In this thesis I take a look at various aspects of the brachistochrone problem. In the first half I consider the classical brachistochrone problem, without friction, after which I generalize to also consider drag; friction proportional to the squared speed. I do this numerically, ...
Quantum networks play an important role in the fields of quantum information and quantum computation. One of the current problems for these networks concerns nonlocality. Characterizing and detecting nonlocality is relevant to the implementation of quantum networks and quantum re ...
The main investigation in this thesis is the research on a future quantum internet. The focus is laid on the network structure of this quantum network. The network is rst examined by the investigation of the Kuramoto model for classical oscillators. The main property of the netwo ...
This thesis deals with n-to-1 entanglement distillation protocols for bipartite quantum systems in a group theoretical setting. The local operations in the protocols are restricted to Clifford operations. An efficient representation of the elements of the Clifford group in terms ...
The Hamiltonian of the NV center contains unknown parameters, such as the zero-field splitting and the magnetic field. Knowing how the frequency measurements depend on the parameters will give greater understanding of the NV center. Including the nitrogen nuclear spin gives us th ...
Quantum computers can solve certain problems faster than classical computers, but they require many qubits to solve valuable problems. Distributed quantum computing provides a scalable approach to increasing the number of qubits by interconnecting small-capacity quantum devices, ...
In this thesis two topics are discussed. The covariant formulation ofMaxwell’s equations of electromagnetism and the formulation of said equations in the context of a rotating frame of reference. Through the development of the necessary theories of Differential Geometry and Speci ...
Quantum thermodynamics takes over from classical thermodynamics when systems are of the scale of single particles and quantum fluctuations have a noticeable effect. An interesting topic of research of this relatively new field is the quantum battery, which in this thesis consists ...
Generation of high fidelity entanglement between quantum nodes is a key component of a future quantum internet. Heralded entanglement generation of two spatially separated qubit nodes can be established by interference and measurement of two photons, each entangled with one qubit ...
Quantum Batteries (QBs) are quantum-mechanical devices for energy storage, gaining interest due to a potential quantum advantage in power. Recently, the first experimental implementations of QBs were realised. This study characterises the superconducting transmon qubits of Starmo ...
Originated from the electron’s intrinsic angular momentum, magnetism has endowed various manipulations in both macroscopic and microscopic setups with another degree of freedom. Beyond the traditionally developed usage such as storage and sensors, there are enormous applications ...