18 records found


Learning robust deep models against noisy labels becomes ever critical when today's data is commonly collected from open platforms and subject to adversarial corruption. The information on the label corruption process, i.e., corruption matrix, can greatly enhance the robustnes ...


Learning from Trusted Data Against (A)symmetric Label Noise

Big Data systems allow collecting massive datasets to feed the data hungry deep learning. Labelling these ever-bigger datasets is increasingly challenging and label errors affect even highly curated sets. This makes robustness to label noise a critical property for weakly-supe ...

Online label aggregation

A variational bayesian approach

Noisy labeled data is more a norm than a rarity for crowd sourced contents. It is effective to distill noise and infer correct labels through aggregating results from crowd workers. To ensure the time relevance and overcome slow responses of workers, online label aggregation i ...


Responsive Multi-DNN Inference on the Edge

Deep neural networks (DNNs) are becoming the core components of many applications running on edge devices, especially for real time image-based analysis. Increasingly, multi-faced knowledge is extracted via executing multiple DNNs inference models, e.g., identifying objects, f ...


Masa: Responsive Multi-DNN Inference on the Edge

This artifact is a guideline how the Edgecaffe framework, presented in [1], can be used. Edgecaffe is an open-source Deep Neural Network framework for efficient multi-network inference on edge devices. This framework enables the layer by layer execution and fine-grained contro ...


Fast Inference of Multiple Deep Models

The execution of deep neural network (DNN) inference jobs on edge devices has become increasingly popular. Multiple of such inference models can concurrently analyse the on-device data, e.g. images, to extract valuable insights. Prior art focuses on low-power accelerators, com ...


Recovering Noisy Labels

Today's available datasets in the wild, e.g., from social media and open platforms, present tremendous opportunities and challenges for deep learning, as there is a significant portion of tagged images, but often with noisy, i.e. erroneous, labels. Recent studies improve the r ...

Data is generated with unprecedented speed, due to the flourishing of social media and open platforms. However, due to the lack of scrutinizing, both clean and dirty data are widely spreaded. For instance, there is a significant portion of images tagged with corrupted dirty class ...


Accurate forecasts are essential for integrating wind energy into the power grid. With wind energy's growing role in the renewable mix, precise short-term generation forecasts are increasingly vital. Turbine-level forecasts are critical for optimal wind farm operation, control, a ...
Multi-label classification has gained a lot of attraction in the field of computer vision over the past couple of years. Here, each instance belongs to multiple class labels simultaneously. There are numerous methods for Multi-label classification, however all of them make the as ...
Multi-label learning is an emerging extension of the multi-class classification where an image contains multiple labels. Not only acquiring a clean and fully labeled dataset in multi-label learning is extremely expensive, but also many of the actual labels are corrupted or missin ...
Multi-label learning is one of the hot problems in the field of machine learning. The deep neural networks used to solve it could be quite complex and have a huge capacity. This enormous capacity, however, could also be a negative, as they tend to eventually overfit the undesirab ...
Multi-label learning is becoming more and moreimportant as real-world data often contains multi-ple labels. The dataset used for learning such aclassifier is of great importance. Acquiring a cor-rectly labelled dataset is however a difficult task.Active le ...
Using transfer learning, convolutional neural networks for different purposes can have similar layers which can be reused by caching them, reducing their load time. Four ways of loading and executing these layers, bulk, linear, DeepEye and partial loading, were analysed under dif ...
Deep neural networks have revolutionized multiple fields within computer science. It is important to have a comprehensive understanding of the memory requirements and performance of deep networks on low-resource systems. While there have been efforts to this end, the effects of s ...
The increasingly growing expansion of the Internet of Things (IoT) along with the convergence of multiple technologies such as the arrival of next generation wireless broadband in 5G, is creating a paradigm shift from cloud computing towards edge computing. Performing tasks norma ...
The execution of multi-inference tasks on low-powered edge devices has become increasingly popular in recent years for adding value to data on-device. The focus of the optimization of such jobs has been on hardware, neural network architectures, and frameworks to reduce execution ...
Edge Devices and Artificial Intelligence are important and ever increasing fields in technology. Yet their combination is lacking because the neural networks used in AI are being made increasingly large and complex while edge devices lack the resources to keep up with these devel ...