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J van Bleijswijk
Academic Work (8)
Conference paper (5)
Journal article (3)
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8 records found
Diversity of anoxygenic phototrophic sulfur bacteria in the microbial mats of the Ebro Delta: a combined morphological and molecular approach
Journal article (2005) -
M Martinez-Alonso (author)
J van Bleijswijk (author)
N Gaju (author)
G. Muijzer (author)
Characterization of functional bacterial groups in a hypersaline microbial mat community (Salins-de-Giraud, Camargue, France)
Journal article (2004) -
A Fourcans (author)
T Garcia de Oteyza (author)
P Caumette (author)
R Duran (author)
A Wieland (author)
E Sole (author)
J Diestra (author)
J van Bleijswijk (author)
JO Grimalt (author)
M Kuhl (author)
I Esteve (author)
G. Muijzer (author)
Genetic diversity of oxygenic phototrophs in microbial mats exposed to different levels of oil pollution
Journal article (2004) -
J van Bleijswijk (author)
G. Muijzer (author)
Microbial diversity of anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria in Ebro Delta microbial mats
Conference paper (2002) -
M Martinez-Alonso (author)
J van Bleijswijk (author)
N Gaju (author)
G. Muijzer (author)
Genetic diversity of oxygenic phototrophs in microbial mats exposed to different levels of oil pollution
Conference paper (2002) -
J van Bleijswijk (author)
G. Muijzer (author)
Phylogenetic characterization of oil-degrading bacteria and the design of specific probes for the detection of members belonging to the genus Marinobacter
Conference paper (2002) -
G. Muijzer (author)
L Mac Gowan (author)
R Herbert (author)
J van Bleijswijk (author)
L.G.J.M. van Dongen (author)
Spatio-temporal distribution of bacterial populations in microbial mats during a diel cycle.
Conference paper (2001) -
G. Muijzer (author)
H Witte (author)
J van Bleijswijk (author)
Microbial diversity in pristine and oil-polluted mats
Conference paper (2001) -
J van Bleijswijk (author)
G. Muijzer (author)