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S Gomez Gallardo
Academic Work (5)
Journal article (5)
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5 records found
High-throughput technologies to enhance innovation in catalysis
Journal article (2003) -
IE Maxwell (author)
P van den Brink (author)
RS Downing (author)
AH Sijpkes (author)
S Gomez Gallardo (author)
T Maschmeyer (author)
T Maschmeyer (author)
High-throughput experimentation as a tool in catalyst design for the reductive amination of benzaldehyde
Journal article (2003) -
S Gomez Gallardo (author)
JA Peters (author)
J.A. Peters (author)
Joop A. Peters (author)
JC van der Waal (author)
T Maschmeyer (author)
T Maschmeyer (author)
In situ formation of gold nanoparticles within functionalised ordered mesoporous silica via an organometallic 'chimie douce' approach.
Journal article (2001) -
Y Guari (author)
C Thieleux (author)
A Mehdi (author)
C Reyé (author)
RJP Corriu (author)
S Gomez Gallardo (author)
K Philippot (author)
B Chaudret (author)
R Dutartre (author)
Platinum colloids stabilized by bifunctional ligands: self-organization and connection to gold.
Journal article (2001) -
S Gomez Gallardo (author)
L Erades (author)
K Philippot (author)
B Chaudret (author)
V Collière (author)
O Balmes (author)
JO Bovin (author)
Gold Nanoparticles from Self-assembled Gold(I) Amine Precursors.
Journal article (2000) -
S Gomez Gallardo (author)
K Philippot (author)
B Chaudret (author)
F Senocq (author)
P Lecante (author)