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M van Bijnen
Academic Work (5)
Book (1)
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Journal article (3)
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5 records found
Samen blijven werken aan toekomst stedelijk waterbeheer. Door Jeroen Langeveld
Journal article (2014) -
Jeroen Langeveld (author)
J. G. Langeveld (author)
J.G. Langeveld (author)
Jeroen G. Langeveld (author)
N. Stanic (author)
Nikola Stanic (author)
W. van Riel (author)
Wouter van Riel (author)
W. Van Riel (author)
Wouter Van Riel (author)
M van Bijnen (author)
Johan Post (author)
J.A.B. Post (author)
J. A B Post (author)
A. Alidai (author)
Arjang Alidai (author)
T Radhakrishnan (author)
Impact of sewer condition on urban flooding: An uncertainty analysis based on field observations and Monte Carlo simulations on full hydrodynamic models
Journal article (2012) -
M van Bijnen (author)
H. Korving (author)
François Clemens (author)
F.H.L.R. Clemens (author)
Francois Clemens (author)
Francois H.L.R. Clemens (author)
François H.L.R. Clemens (author)
F. H L R Clemens (author)
F. H.L.R. Clemens (author)
François H L R Clemens (author)
Impact of sewer condition on urban flooding: a sensitivity analysis based on monte carlo simulations on full hydrodynamic models
Conference paper (2011) -
M van Bijnen (author)
J.L. Korving (author)
Hans Korving (author)
François H L R Clemens (author)
Francois H.L.R. Clemens (author)
F.H.L.R. Clemens (author)
François Clemens (author)
F. H.L.R. Clemens (author)
Francois Clemens (author)
François H.L.R. Clemens (author)
F. H L R Clemens (author)
Datavalidatie als onderdeel van een goed en effectief rioleringsbeheer
Journal article (2007) -
Hans Korving (author)
J.L. Korving (author)
M van Bijnen (author)
De Atlantikwall
Book (2005) -
M. Peters (author)
S van Schuppen (author)
M van Bijnen (author)
GJ beumer (author)
AJ Nienhuis (author)