A.S.M. Steijlen
5 records found
A Surface EMG System
Local Muscle Fatigue Detection
In the last 4 decades, surface electromyography (sEMG) signal processing has been applied to detect local muscle fatigue, this non-invasive approach is suitable for detecting EMG signals generated by athletes in motion. Also, EMG could directly reveal the muscle’s performance lik
Multiple studies indicated that the degree of muscle strain is the most relevant parameter in understanding the injury mechanism behind a hamstring strain injury. To monitor this parameter a new system is developed; the Smart Sensor Shorts. The system contains five Inertial Measu
Monitoring local muscle load in football
Use leg acceleration, processed with a big data analysis approach, as an indication of the local muscle load to accurately represent the players’ experienced load
In football, a lot of hip and thigh muscle injuries occur as a result of high muscular loads due to accelerative leg movements. To prevent muscle damage and optimise performance, it is essential to continuously identify when and how frequent local hip and thigh muscular loads dev
This research provide a proof of principle to use a sweat sensor system for real-time monitoring of medicine effectiveness in Cystic Fibrosis (CF) patients. CF is an autosomal recessive genetic disorder affecting mostly the respiratory, digestive and perspiration system. Patients