The Robotic Programming Lab

Designing an interactive experience at Museon

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The Netherlands is one of the forerunners in the fields of international scientific research, education and innovation. Currently ,the country faces a dire problem - insufficient technologically skilled people to meet the demands of the fast growing technological development.
To address this problem, the government mandated to actively encourage science among young children.
Science museums play a crucial role in delivering lessons to schools, they are ideal spaces to make the maximum impact on a young mind. Thus, the idea for the Robotic and Programming lab at Museon was born. The lab is established to be at the forefront of this change and to actively introduce programming to primary school children.

This project conceptualises the interactive experience of the robotic programming lab. It also formulates a framework for the experience which aids in the conceptualisation of interactive activities within the lab. These interactions are designed with an aim to encourage programming while closely considering the learning outcomes and the science concepts that children are already familiar with.