Comparative assessment of the vulnerability and resilience of 10 delta cities

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In this collaborative project of the Delta Alliance a framework for delta assessment is proposed, building on the work done for the Aquaterra 2009 conference in Amsterdam and elaborating recent recommendations of the World Estuary Alliance conference (hosted by WWF in Shanghai, June 2010) regarding the development of a worldwide assessment of estuaries by means of ‘scorecards’. This framework links the DPSIR approach with a Layer model for a delta, which should be seen as a first step towards a more elaborated framework, to be developed in due time with relevant stakeholders. The integrated approach takes into account the different ‘layers’ of the delta system and related governance issues. Three physical planning layers are recognized: the Occupation layer (land and water use), the Network layer (infrastructure), and the Base layer (natural resources), each with different but interrelated temporal dynamics and public-private involvement. The framework is used for describing deltas in a uniform format in order to make a comparative overview and analysis easier. Building on the contacts of the Delta Alliance (and World Estuary Alliance) each delta description is prepared by a Delta Wing Coordinator of the Delta Alliance (or another main contact person), in most cases in cooperation with several (sectoral) experts.