The Blue Heart

A territorial envisioning of evolutionary agro-urban ecologies

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The Blue Heart is the deltaic territory composed of the IJssel Estuary, IJsselmeer-Markermeer, Wadden Sea, and the reclaimed polders of Flevoland and Wieringermeer. The Blue Heart is a globally important node of migration of aquatic species and birds due to its delta estuary geomorphology. However, the same deltaic conditions that allowed intense biodiversity were dangerous for local human settlements, constantly facing disasters due to storm surges from the North Sea. As an adaptation measure to minimize the probability of flooding, the
Zuiderzeewerken implemented new linear flooding defenses in the Blue Heart Delta, such as the Afsluitdijk and new dikes that surrounded the newly reclaimed polders. However, this adaptation measure had severe ecological trade-offs. It interrupted the migratory routes and completely changed the endogenous brackish water ecosystem of the Zuiderzee into a freshwater reservoir for the demand for agriculture and housing. In the process, the water infrastructure morphology eliminated most of the vital local species of the brackish water
habitat, degrading the ecological succession processes in the lakes. Currently, the lakes Markermeer and IJsselmeer have severe ecological challenges related to the lack of biodiversity, which not only impacts the global web-of-life of the Blue Heart but also the original local fishing activities. Furthermore, the Province of Flevoland was developed as an intensive agricultural land towards exportation, facilitated by favorable marine clay fertility conditions and advanced farming technologies. As new climate conditions appear in uncertain future horizons, the limits of the paradigms that maintain the current territorial conditions and
functions of the Blue Heart are increasingly urgent. The project starts by shifting the harmful conditional and functional paradigms by adopting a nexus of ecology, water infrastructure, food, and housing. Then it proposed a planned adaptation model that guides the territorial recomposition and regional deconstruction of the Blue Heart to achieve endogenous agrourban ecological interfaces. In that sense, proposing a socioeconomic system that can synergize
with the web of life. The new spatial possibilities allow a regional envisioning for Flevoland that is rooted in ecological reintegration and water infrastructure change considering the future socio-climate scenarios of Deltares.